if someone could help me or point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.. i've looked here for a while and found nothing, probably because i don't know how to word it... i'm sure it's been asked and fixed before...
so the 22 minute movie plays fine in mpc and vlc and regular media player, but.. the 'total time' for the movie is
and it's also the only one in a series of clips that is messed up, so it's not the codec, it's just a matter of reauthoring (?maybe) which i have to admit i'm newbie at :/
Run it through Avifixed("it can rebuild the index part of the movie file, which is at the end of the file,and fix the file's play time error"), or re-pack it with Avimux_Gui and see if it fixes it:
thanks! that worked enough for me! this is what happened...
ran it through AVIfixed, fixed the problem, but now there are artifacts when the scene changes (oh well :))
avi-mux: crashes everytime i try and open the source file..
but i opened the avifixed file (nothing new with fixing the 'fixed' file)and another file from the set and noticed that the keyframes for the good file was about 500 (40000 total frames), and for the bad file it was 40000 (the same number as the total frames)is this the problem, or just an effect of the avifix?
but i'm just trying to learn for my own good, i consider this problem solved, and thanks again for the help!
Obviously the Avi is corrupt. Here are two other small utilities that you can try and see if the results are better, Digital Video Repair and DixvRepair: