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Digital Photography and its pitfalls
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Junior Member
23. April 2008 @ 17:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well well well, isn't it a funny world we live in..mustn't criticize modern technology...tut tut...ok lets put it another way..this time using little caps lock gets i mention before..i was interrupted..i have been involved in photography since my youth..and now we have digital oh what joy..well i have a problem with it.I cannot see how a grid of tiny regulated squares called pixels can match the even tinier randomness of film grain.To illustrate this point(again) I use the illustration of an experience I had many years ago whereby I took a photo late at night at a public live music event and even though I was far back from the stage and using a simple foreign SLR with B/W daylight film and a standard lens I was able to make a photo.of which I processed and enlarged ad printed successfully.My point therefore using this example is that had I had a digital camera at the time this image would not have even recorded.
maybe one pixel.Anyway since I have this print I have scanned at a high DPI setting and now its all turned into nice happy pixels.. so I can send it to people etc etc..I'm not saying that digital photography is a waste of time but it too me has its limitations (after all we mustn't upset those camera manufacturers) its a shame that some of these camera makers seem to have styled there new products on cigarette pack style looks and forgot about 'feel' but thats the modern world for you.what do I know.? i just thought a healthy debate might this stuff we call digital would be nice..ok?.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. April 2008 @ 13:42

AfterDawn Addict
24. April 2008 @ 08:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
have you vented enough, Bobchew?? I don't think you understand anything about digital photography if you are basing your experience with a Black and White photo taken years ago where I can show you the proper way of taking a shot of an concert event and using my digital camera wayyyyyyyyyy out benefits old film photography.... but what do I know.... I have been taking pictures since the 70s with film and digitally and I favor digital more than film. It way out benefits film in many capacities and much easier to process and more readably available and less messier than using chemicals to develop film! soooooooo I'm sorry to say that if you want to go back in time and use film then do so. But I love the advancement of technology that brought us to this stage of photography where anyone can be a great picture taker by using digital cameras! more so now than ever before!
Junior Member
24. April 2008 @ 16:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm sorry but you are wrong here..try it... a shot taken at night of a stage with performers...half a mile away with standard zoom no telephoto using 5 megapixel (single figure)camera no way expensive ultra mega pixel hassleblad...'messy chemicals' does an artist complain about 'messy' paint? i dont think so..jpegs corrupt..a lot in we use 'raw' as the stuff we do gets bigger--so we have to shrink it to fit..and in that shrink to fit is where the problem lies..jpeg is a tiled image..what you are basically saying is that you have 'convenience' like a hamburger not a full meal, like microwave..its push button convenience..the 'delete' button..throw away.. I have had negatives..with look like crap..but with some effort (not convenience) i got remarkable results..pixels are a grid.if digital is so wonderous then why does it want to emulate 'analogue' ie film - audio is the same increase the sample rate and bit rate so its like tape or want to be like analogue...megapixel wishes it was film..what kind of resolution will match film or even better it? 3000 megapixel..blimey the digital hasslblads need a hard drive to carry about..35mm can--no lead , no cable, no hard lousy jpeg or raw to get round the problems with electric..apart from flash gun...ermmm....jpeg better than film?..please...
AfterDawn Addict
24. April 2008 @ 16:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you sound like you're a drunk who likes to argue! You have a little knowledge and now you think you are dangerous!! LOL You have no idea what you are talking about! You need a time machine..... go back to where you belong I'll live in the here and now!! if you think that photography was much better back in the '70s... then go set your time machine and take a trip! I don't argue with drunks!
Junior Member
24. April 2008 @ 16:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so whats wrong with black and white photography then?
oh its inferior....aaah...its 'old fashioned' hhmmm
actually im not venting here..i've done both film/tape/cine/dv/digital/all.
the debate is a simple one..which is this: is digital a benefit--i used to be an enthusiast, but of late to me its deeply flawed..and to me to keep rushing like lemmings into the digital breach seems odd...
digital TV? hmmm spend an evening waving your arms about like an idiot trying to get a permanent moving image with sound..the internet -perfect?....question: when you see an advert for a program that is so brilliant and it will change your life (or socks) whats the first thing you see when you go to install it? THE DISCLAIMER- er sorry mate but if our stuff screws up your pc its aint our that and admission thats its flawed? phone.. damn signals dropped out!..and as for automated this and that..companies run on automated stuff..look what happens goes.pear shaped! i keep seeing it time and time again...its not venting..its asking the obvious... a healthy jolly discussion...convenince yes..but at what cost...ok....
Junior Member
24. April 2008 @ 16:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Do you know its a fact...that when someone has lost the argument they resort to insults...i dont drink (apart from a cup of tea).
so insults eh? well you lost that one. next.....
AfterDawn Addict
24. April 2008 @ 17:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've learned long ago not to argue with anyone who wants to bend anything to their way of thinking! you can assume all you want that what you spurt out are facts... when all you huff and puffing about are just opinions! And opinions can be argued one way or another. You have your opinion about everything..... and like I said before ...... you can't argue with a drunk....... I don't mean that you are but it's the same ANALOGY! You can't argue about religion and politics...... and forget about drunks! Sorry if you think I was attacking you. but it's sure is funny that a person who has much experience as YOU CLAIM to have will pick film over digital. I'll take digital any day of the week. You have your opinions and I have mine. Just don't generalize things..... such as
mobile phone.. damn signals dropped out! and digital TV? hmmm spend an evening waving your arms about like an idiot trying to get a permanent moving image with sound. and all those disclosures! Gezzzzzz what about modern medicine...... all those drugs keeping old people alive longer than every before??? gezzzzzz boooooooo hoooooooo! cry to someone who really can give a sh~t! It aint' me!~ and so I close with...... enjoy your modern life! There's no other and you can cry all you want about "the good ole' days" when in fact they are NOW!!!! If you can't see that then I feel sorry for you because you live in the past. Hey.... even I liked 8track tape!!! hahahahahaha but I'll take digital anyday of the week above cassets, vhs, and reel-to-reel and all the anolog you can to dish out. And if you keep arguing about the good old days then you should remember when they used to cut ice out of lakes and then transport it to the cities! How dare they invent the refrigerator and that makes ice all year round!!! gezzzzzz get real!
Junior Member
24. April 2008 @ 18:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
do you know--its deeply that by attempting to respond..using this new fangled internet thingy it decided to crap out four or five times..which doesnt really lend itself to winning the argument does it?
oh well lets get on..ok as yet you havent axactly given a sensible reply..which is simply 'yes but does it work? all you've resorted to is
"oh you are stuck in the past" which is no argument or debate just another insult..can you, in all honesty put your hand on your heart and say its perfect and it works 100% all the time?...well, i cant..i do remember switching on a tv and it working -apart from a power cut.but i cant guarantee it doing it now..its not about then and now.its about does it work 100%? and if the answer is no .then its you want life saving machines all going digital..when digital auto systems can almost set off ww3 in defence equipment-when it develops a mind of 'its own' and one line in a piece of code can halt or mess up an airport so bad that it has to shut down..but i are so in luuurve with it that you think its the be all and and all..and it isnt.putting all that faith in it is worrying when there are enough examples in the world to show how flawed it is....btw how is the usa today..still fighting hopeless wars? ah well..time for a cup of tea i think....
AfterDawn Addict
24. April 2008 @ 18:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I guess you win!!! I don't want to argue with you.
Senior Member
24. April 2008 @ 20:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
IHoe hows that Twain thing go with a pic on a milk carton.LOL
Suspended permanently
25. April 2008 @ 10:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
do you know--its deeply that by attempting to respond..using this new fangled internet thingy it decided to crap out four or five times..which doesnt really lend itself to winning the argument does it?
Sounds more like user error to me...

Optimize your system old timer...

Maybe it's all that malware and spyware you have running in the background from surfing too much granny porn?


LMFAO @ that pic!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. April 2008 @ 14:46

Junior Member
25. April 2008 @ 15:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thank you...for that..i wasnt sure if i was doing the right thing by walking away from this site,,with its idiot answers...and insults...but it seems i am..i'll leave this mess of you can go and play at'look how clever i am' with yourselves..what was it americans said " why does the world hate us?" come to this site..and find out. byeeeeeee
25. April 2008 @ 15:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

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