I am new to burning dvd's. I have rented out Ghost Whisperer Season One and Im having no luck in copying these dvd's at all. So far I have tried 3 of the discs and I keep getting a note to tell me it has stopped and is a Cyclic Redundancy Check, this has happened to each of the discs so far and Ghost Whisperer season one is a 6 DVD set. What is this Cyclic Redundancy Check ? Is there anything I can do to overcome this problem ? I am using DVD Shrink 3.2, but have also tried using DVD Decrypter to no avail either, no sign appears but it just stops dead. It seems I have wasted my money renting this box set $8.95 AUD lol.
I would appreciate if anyone has any information that can enlighten me with my problem and help me understand as to why it is happening. I thank you in advance for any replies and also thank you for reading my thread.