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Problems with Conker!
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Junior Member
17. May 2008 @ 12:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just recently bought Conker, Live and Reloaded, and I was so stoked! I threw it in the xbox, sat down, watched the intro screen come up.......and watched the intro screen come up......and again......and again. I have a softmodded xbox, with a 320 gb hdd, and Conker won't get past the "Conker,Live and Reloaded!" intro screen! It just keeps looping,over and over. I tried it in my friend's xbox, and it worked just fine! (His is still stock.) Has anyone heard of this problem, and does anyone know of a solution?
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17. May 2008 @ 16:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The game region is wrong in your dash settings. Otherwise it's a well behaved game. (I should know.. it was me ripped it on release day)
Junior Member
17. May 2008 @ 22:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, I thought that too, but my xbox is outputting NTSC M, and the game is NTSC, so why the problem? I tried the rips from the internet,and they did the same thing, but they skipped even faster. Do I have to make my xbox's region into PAL? How do I do that, I'm running UnleashX .39
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19. May 2008 @ 06:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Look in the dash settings for game region..

You should have the choice of "default/auto/uk-pal/rest of world pal/ntsc" and try a few at random. Why not rip the disk to the HDD and see if that makes a difference.. it can make a huge improvement if your dvd drive is on the way out.

If it is playing in colour and seems ok apart from the skipping and jumping it's more likely to be related to the drive. Have you tried disabling your mod and playing? > forums > archived forums > xbox - games > problems with conker!

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