I just replaced the front faceplate of my (fat) PSP, because the old one was scratched up, but now some buttons won't work sometimes. The worst problem of all is the analog stick. When I first installed the faceplate, the analog stick would only respond to Left. In an attempt to fix it, I opened the PSP up again just to remove and reinstall the analog stick chip thing (not the one on the PSP, of course, but the one that's screwed into the back of the faceplate), hoping that whatever was wrong would be fixed if I simply gave it a second go. But now it's worse. Each direction either doesn't respond, or, stranger, causes the analog stick to act as if it's being held in one direction, even after I let go.
I don't know what's making this complicated (there doesn't seem to be a 'wrong' way to screw in the analog chip, because it only fits one way and one direction). Any help would be appreciated.
I wouldn't have tried to replace my faceplate in the first place if I knew about the analog problem.. I tried cleaning it as you said, but still it won't work. It only works on Left. It's like I have to buy a new PSP...