Hi I'm new here so apologies if I'm in the wrong forum or if this problem has already been addressed.
I have a DVD film which is way to dark to watch either on TV or PC. I would like to add some brightness and contrast to the video but without losing the 5.1 surround sound.
I've tried a few editing softwares which change the brightness of the video but they always want to save the .vob file as .avi or .mpeg etc which would lose the surround sound.
Question is:
Is there any way to adjust the brightness and contrast of the DVD .vob file then save the file back into the same format with the same quality of video and retaining the 5.1 sound.
DVD Rebuilder can do this. You may have to try different settings until you get what you're looking for using the Tweak filter.
Some settings:
Tweak(hue=0, sat=1, bright=10, cont=1)
For watching on the PC, you can use VLC (Menu, 'Settings' > 'Extended GUI') to adjust colour/contrast/etc.
I've also used AVIDemux to do this - load the VOB's.
On the top menu bar:
Click 'Auto' and select DVD.
Click 'Audio' and choose your stream;on the side window it should show 'Copy' (mine shows AC3 because my source was a wav file that has to be converted).
On the left window:
Under 'Format', it should show 'MPEG-PS'
Save the output and explicitly name it with the .mpg extension - the program won't do it for you.
Now you are left with a new mpg file with the original audio track.
To get it back to DVD format, you have to use the likes of 'DVD Flick', which doesn't encode the video again - thus no loss of quality.
Hi, errmm HELP.
I've tried AVIDemux to correct my dark video dvd. It all appears to be working fine, I followed attar's instructions and saved the new config then saved the video as .mpg.
It went through the process of converting the video to mpg but when I viewed the results 2 things had happened. Firstly there was no change in brightness or contrast of the picture and now the sound, though it was still in the original 5.1 as I wanted, was now running approx 20 seconds behind the video. Any suggestions please, I'm putting this down to pilot error as the programme seems to be the one I need to make the changes I mentioned before.
I rechecked the steps on a different VOB clip - the output was out of sync.
I started from the beginning again and this time noted that the audio showed a delay factor.
Took that number and placed it in the 'Shift' box on the left of the window (it has to be entered as a negative number) and left the audio as 'Copy'.
I don't know why your colours are not being adjusted.
Hi thanks for checking it out for me, I'll try the delay factor. Oh and I was wrong about the colours not being adjusted, they are, that part worked fine.
Hi, just an update. It was nothing to do with the audio track needing putting in sync with the video, the time shift showed 0 ms shift.
What I did notice while looking around the settings AVIDemux said the video frame rate was 29.70 fps and I seemed to remember that video is usually 23.90 fps so I changed it. After that the audio was slightly ahead of the video by a fraction of a second and the amount remained the same throughout the film. So I put a 500ms delay on the audio and that fixed it. I now have a better video for watching and I still have my 5.1 sound.
Thanks for your help I reallyappreciate it.