Hi! I hope someone can help me... I'm trying to make a backup copy of the Saludos Amigos/The Three Caballeros DVD.
I've been using Ripit4Me, DVD Shrink, and DVD Decrypter for backing up my collection with few problems. However, this particular DVD seems different.
Typically I run RipIt4Me in 1-Click Mode and select "Open With DVD Shrink." But the DVD Shrink option doesn't come up with the SA/TC disc. It just runs DVD Decrypter, creating a folder on my HD with lots of files in it, then RipIt4Me tells me the logs have been moved.
So I click OK, open DVD Shrink myself, and navigate to the file folder that DVD Decrypter created. Then I click Backup. After pricessing for about 10 or 20 seconds, DVD Shrink crashes.
I suspect there's some type of copy protection similar to the recent New Line version, but before trying DVDFabDecrypter or some other program I'm unfamiliar with, I thought I'd try here.
iluvendo's link will get you sorted, though i myself did this movie a very long time ago, with just DVD Shrink on it's lonesome. DVDFab should make mincemeat of it though.
Thanks guys! I tried DVDFab Decrypter but got the same crash from DVD Shrink. However DVDFab HD Decrypter solved it with no problems. Normally I wouldn't go through so much trouble to find a solution, but I prefer my kids handling copies instead of originals, especially with Disney films which later become rare or impossible to get. Thanks to all!