I just purchased a modbo 4.0, and start to solder it. I bought a soldering iron from frys which labelled 40watt soldering iron, a cooper wire roll, and flux liquid. I let the iron runs for 15 min before applyin on the wire and the chip, but they wouldn't melt down? they don't even stick to each other? is that because it got not enough heat?? i even apply the flux on both the iron tip and the wire but it not work? plz help me, im not soldder expert
i just make a quick visit to the radioshack and get a 10 bucks 15 wattt soldering. Now im soldderin the wire and the chip. Still it not attach to each other??? maybe it not the soldering, maybe the wire??? it a cooper wire, strangded?? help me plz!!
i watch the video of this guy on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkZtrpQkSsQ he used a stick while doing solderin with the iron. What is that?? i don't use it, will it work?? i just simply tryin to melt down the wire but it couldn't!! (sorry, i am noobie, first time doin the solderin ^_^)