I have been using an aging canopus PCI card to do my video capturing into premiere. It is fairly old (at least 6 years) and I have to assume there have been SOME advances in the technology in the interim.
I am assuming that component would provide better video to capture than composite, but I may be missing the mark if it is all boiled out through the capture and codec.
With this, I am wondering if some kind soul can recommend a fairly good (reasonably priced; as it is more of a hobby, than anything, but I would rather have good quality even if its just a hobby) video converter box. In this case, I will be capturing from a MotorolaDVR through into premiere (so firewire would be needed).
Recommendations (component or, if its really moot, composite) are appreciated.
In that case, it seems I need to stick with this 6+ year old ADC-50, since it is the second highest rated one on the list (the highest being the step up from that model; of equal age).
I would have thought technology might have advanced :)