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9. June 2008 @ 06:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This is the second part of the emulator install guide for the psp. again if there are any major typos or something doesnt work plz tell me and ill get it fixed

in this one there will be guide for


Commodore 64

Gameboy/gameboy colour

Gameboy Advance

Hp 48



Macitosh Basilisk II

MGT sam coupe


1) Chip ? 8 ? 1.50/CFW Phat Version
2) colecoVision ? 1.50/CFW phat ? CFW Slim
3) Commodore 64 ? 1.50/cfw phat
4) Gameboy/gameboy colour ? 1.50/CFW phat & Slim
5) Gameboy Advance ? 1.50/CFW phat & Slim
6) Hp 48- 1.50/CFW phat - CFW Slim
7) Intellivision ? 1.50/CFW phat ? CFW Slim
8) M.A.M.E ? 1.50/CFW phat & Slim
9) Macitosh Basilisk II ? 1.50/CFW phat only!!!
10) MGT sam coupe ? 1.50/CFW phat ? CFW Slim


Chip ? 8

install for 1.50/CFW phat

Download the folder for 1.50/CFW phat from 1)

Unzip the folder and copy the emulator folder to game for 1.50 or game150 for CFW phat.

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

For roms you will need to rename it rom and put it in the rom folder this means you can only play one rom at a time

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)


install for 1.50/CFW phat

Download the folder for 1.50 from 2)

Unzip the folder and inside should be a folder called fw15 open it up and there should be two folders called __SCE__ pspcolem and %__SCE__ pspcolem. Copy the two folders to game (for 1.50) or game150 (for phat cfw).

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|- __SCE__ pspcolem \
|- %__SCE__ pspcolem\

Now any rom files you have for the ColecoVision (.zip or .rom) should go in the rom folder

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|- __SCE__ pspcolem \
|-roms\(games .zip or .rom go here)
|- %__SCE__ pspcolem\

Install for slim

Download the folder for slim from 2)

Unzip the folder inside should be a folder called fw3x open it up inside should be a folder called pspcolem. Copy the pspcolem folder to game on the memory stick

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-pspcolem \

For games it much the same as the 1.50 version just put any games (.zip or .rom) in the roms folder

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-roms\(games .zip or .rom go here)


In the ColecoVision emulator window

Normal mapping :

PSP ColecoVision

Square *
Triangle $
Cross FIRE1
Circle FIRE2
Up 0
Down 2
Left 3
Right 1

LTrigger Toogle with L keyboard mapping
RTrigger Toggle with R keyboard mapping

LTrigger mapping :

PSP ColecoVision

Square Fps
Triangle Load state
Cross Save state
Circle Swap analog / pad
Up 0
Down 2
Left Render mode
Right Render mode

RTrigger mapping :

PSP ColecoVision

Square 4
Triangle 5
Cross Auto-fire
Circle FIRE2
Up 0
Down 2
Left Dec Fire
Right Inc Fire

A-Pad Joystick

Press Start + L + R to exit and return to eloader.
Press Select to enter in emulator main menu.
Press Start open/close the On-Screen keyboard

In the main menu

L+R+Start Exit the emulator
R Trigger Reset the ColecoVision console

Triangle Go Up directory
Cross Valid
Circle Valid
Square Go Back to the emulator window

The On-Screen Keyboard of "Danzel" and "Jeff Chen"

Use Analog stick to choose one of the 9 squares, and
use Triangle, Square, Cross and Circle to choose one
of the 4 letters of the highlighted square.

Commodore 64

Install for 1.50/CFW (phat)

Download the folder for 1.50 from 3)

Unzip the folder inside should be two folders __SCE__PSPVice and %__SCE__PSPVice. copy theme both to game for 1.50 or game150 for cfw (phat)

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Put any roms that you have in the games folder which is in __SCE__PSPVice

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-games\(roms here)

Install for slim

I think there is one when I find it ill add it

Gameboy/gameboy colour

Install for 1.50/CFW (phat)

Download the folder for 1.50 from 4)

Unrar the folder inside should be a folder called PSP open it up then open the game folder then there should be a folder called MasterBoy copy that to game 1.50 or game150 CFW on your memory stick

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Roms (.gg, .sms, .bin, .gb, .gbc, .sgb, .cgb, or .zip) can go in any folder but it would be best to make a folder called roms in MasterBoy folder and put them in there. GBC roms though should go in the Roms GBC folder ( .gbc ones) and any SMS roms in the Roms SMS (.sms ones)

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-Roms\(put .gg, .bin, .gb, .sgb, .cgb, or .zip in here)
|-Roms GBC\(put .gbc in here)
|-Roms SMS\(put .sms in here)

Install for slim

download the folder for 1.50 from 4)

I am not to sure if this works but it said that it sets it to kernel mode which could be 3.XX apologise if this does not work.

Do the same as the 1.50 version copy the MasterBoy folder to game. Then once you have done that go back to the kernel version folder and open it up inside should be a eboot.pbp copy that over the eboot.pbp in MasterBoy

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-MasterBoy\(with EBOOT.PBP from kernel version folder)

For roms its the same as 1.50 version

Gameboy advance

Install for 1.50/CFW (phat)

Download the folder for 1.50 from 5)

Unzip the folder inside should be a folder called UO_gpSP_kai_32_test_8_7 open it then go to ms0 -> psp -> game inside game should be a folder called gpSP copy it to game for 1.50 or game150 for CFW folder on your memory stick

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

For this emulator to run it will need the GBA_BISO.bin which helps it load up (the bit that goes gamaboy advance with the zing sound when you turn it on)

You will need to google it to find it as it is copywrite it should be 16kb in size and when you get it make sure its named GBA_BIOS.bin or it wont work

Copy the bios to the gpsp folder (in with the eboot.pbp...)

Is you have any .gba or .zip gba roms put them in GBA -> ROM folder

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-ROM\(GBA roms here .zip .gba)

Install for slim

download the folder for 1.50 from 5)

this homebrew can run on the slim aswell so just follow it for 1.50 but put the gpSP folder in game and not game150

HP 48

Install for 1.50/CFW phat

Download the folder for 1.50 from 6)

Unzip and open the folder pspx48-v1.1.0 then fw15 and then copy the two folders __SCE__pspx48 and %__SCE__pspx48 to game for 1.50 or game150 for cfw

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Im unsure of where the roms go I think you need to make a rom folder in __SCE__pspx48 and put any roms there or put them in the __SCE__pspx48 folder just have a muck about and see what works.

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-Rom\(try putting roms here)

Install for slim

Download the folder for slim from 6)

Unzip and open the pspx48-v1.1.0 folder up inside should be a folder called fw3x open it up inside should be a folder called pspx48. Copy the pspx48 folder to game on your memory stick
If you have hp 48 roms make a folder called rom in the pspx48 folder and put any roms there

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-Rom\(try putting roms here)



Circle Up
Square Down
Triangle Left
Cross Right
Right Alpha
Up Valid Key on cursor
Left Backspace
L1 Shift R
R1 Shift L
Analog Move Cursor on keyboard
Start ON
Select Next (usefull for menus)

Press Start + L + R to exit and return to eloader.
Press Start + L to display help
Press Select + L to enter in the emulator menu


Install for 1.50/CFW (phat)

Download the folder for 150 from 7)

Unzip the folder inside should be a folder called pspint-v1.1.0 open it up inside is a folder called fw15 open that and inside should be two folders __SCE__pspint and %__SCE__pspint. Copy the two folders to game 1.50 or game150 CFW folders on your memory card.

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Any roms that you have (.zip, .rom, .int, .itv or .bin) should go in the roms folder in the __SCE__pspint folder

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-Roms\(.zip, .rom, .int, .itv or .bin rom files here)

Install for slim
Download the folder for slim from 7)

Unzip the folder inside should be a folder called pspint-v1.1.0 open it up inside is a folder called fw3x open that and inside should be a folder called pspint. Copy it to the game folder on you memory stick

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

The same as the 1.50/cfw version put any roms in the roms folder

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-Roms\(.zip, .rom, .int, .itv or .bin rom files here)


Install for 1.50/CFW (phat)

download the folder for 1.50 from 8)

unrar the folder and follow these steps

PSP MAME4ALL v4.9r2 Hires -> copy to desktop

unzip the zip folder
then follow this

PSP MAME4ALL v4.9r2 Hires by TTYman - 16112007 -> psp_mame4all_v4.9r2 copy this folder to game (1.50) or game150(cfw)

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

put any rom files you have in the roms folder (they should be in .zip format)

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-roms\(rom files here)

just to note some roms wont work on this emu as they have not been made compatable
if you want to see the full list of games compatable the read the gamelist.txt to find the games compatable

install for slim

this may not work and i can test it as i dont have a slim

download the folder for 1.50 from 8)

follow the 1.50 install untill you get to the PSP MAME4ALL v4.9r2 Hires by TTYman - 16112007 folder inside should be a folder called psp_mame4all_v4.9r2-usermode open it up inside should be a EBOOT.pbp copy the psp_mame4all_v4.9r2 folder to game then copy the eboot.pbp from the psp_mame4all_v4.9r2-usermode folder into the psp_mame4all_v4.9r2 folder

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-EBOOT.pbp (from psp_mame4all_v4.9r2-usermode folder)

for roms its the same as the 1.50 version


- Joystick: Movement in pad, mouse and analog control.
- Buttons A,Y,B,X,L,R,VolUp,VolDown,PUSH,START: Buttons A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J.
- Button SELECT: Insert credits. (SELECT+Up=credits 2P, SELECT+Right=credits 3P, SELECT+Down=credits 4P)
- Button L+R: Change screen orientation and activate/deactivate screen scale/stretch.
- Button L+R pressed during one second: Pause.
- Button Y+L+R: Show / hide the FPS counter.
- Button START: Play. (START+Up=Start 2P, START+Right=Start 3P, START+Down=Start 4P)
- Buttons L+R+PUSH, L+R+START or L+R+SELECT simultaneously: Exit to selection menu to select another game.
- Buttons START+SELECT simultaneously: Reset the current game.
- Buttons VolUp and VolDown: Increase / decrease sound volume.
- USB Joypads: Up to four USB Joypads are supported for multiplayer.

Macitosh Basilisk II

install for 1.50/CFW phat fake colours

Download the folder for 1.50 from 9)

Unzip the folder inside should be a folder called BII_FakeColor -> PSP -> GAME and copy the two folders BasiliskIIPSP and BasiliskIIPSP% to game 1.50 or game150 cfw on your memory card.

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

MGT sam coupe

Install for 1.50/CFW (phat)

Download the folder for 1.50 from 10)

Unzip and open the pspsim-v1.1.0 folder open it up then open the fw15 and copy the two folders called __SCE__pspsim and % __SCE__pspsim to game 1.50 game150 on your memory card

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

Any disks that you have (.zip, .gz, .sbt, .dsk, .sad, .mgt or .td0) should go in the disks folder in __SCE__pspsim

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-disks\(.zip, .gz, .sbt, .dsk, .sad, .mgt or .td0 disks here)

Install for slim

Download the folder for slim from 10)

Unzip and open up the pspsim-v1.1.0 folder open it up and then open the fw3x folder and copy the pspsim folder from fw3x to game on your memory stick

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)

For disks do the same as the 1.50 version

MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
|-disks\(.zip, .gz, .sbt, .dsk, .sad, .mgt or .td0 disks here)

AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
9. June 2008 @ 21:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh ... i was about to make that ...

What happened to the 1st part. Link plz ?

Senior Member
10. June 2008 @ 03:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yer the first one is about a couple of threads back.

ill link them all and get it stickied

Senior Member
10. June 2008 @ 18:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nice guide, well done on putting them together :)

Looks like it must have taken a lot of work to sort them out!

Do you know how many parts there will be yet?

AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
10. June 2008 @ 22:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
May i say somethin. It will help if you told the noobz if u told them about ctrl+F. So they can type what they want and find it. Instead of scrolling around and trying to find it.

Senior Member
11. June 2008 @ 04:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
good point mrgooey
what i was going to do is make a link page and get it stikied as well so that you can go to guide 1 2 3 .... ill put some images in as well of the consoles/computers

ibizagti i think there may be 2 more or 3 if i include emulators for the pc like the psp emulator and homebrew emulator. but i may have 3 up by tomorow as iv got it half written up.

11. June 2008 @ 22:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good idea on sticky and link thread Dr1ver - let me know when they're all done.

I like mrgooey's ctrl F - it always comes in handy :)

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Junior Member
13. June 2008 @ 13:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
WOW this might be what Ive been looking for, I will let you know my results when I try them , I hope they work on 3.80m33-4!

I'm going to search for your "PART 1" emulator guide I hope I can find it.

"So many games so little time"
Senior Member
8. August 2008 @ 19:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just an FYI, the MAME link takes you to the Intellivision emulator on QJ.

Here's a link to the MAME:

14. August 2008 @ 05:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks! gPSP works perfectly! I was waiting a long time for a functional guide.

You either die as a hero,or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain...
15. December 2008 @ 07:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a PSP fat and i wanted to play GBC and GBA games, but it doesn't work. I do all the things that stands on this page that you need to do.

It's says 'data is damaged'. Do I need to downgrade my psp?

Or is my firewire not good, I have the latest version 5.02. Is it because my firewire, do I really need one that's begin with a 3.--
17. December 2008 @ 04:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have PSP-2004 slim, 5.00 M33-4. I have tried gpSP, gpSP kai and Masterboy emulators. GBC games work but GBA dont. Anyone have any suggestions? > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > super emulator guide [part2]

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