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HELP!!!!! BACKING X-MEN 2, Please Help
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Junior Member
20. January 2004 @ 13:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've sucessfully backed X_men 1 but xmen 2 there isnt much to strip out of it. and if i use 51.5 compression with DvD Shrink3.1.3 there is blotchieness. And I took out spanish and french but i dopnt wnat to get rid of either or dts / dolby anybody else been sucessful at copying this 1.
AfterDawn Addict
20. January 2004 @ 14:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

i just used DVD Decrypter and ripped main movie files to hd and then used DVD2One to shrink..
worked like a charm for me..


Senior Member
20. January 2004 @ 23:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
as seamonkey said I have YET!! to find a dvd DVD Decrypter could not back up hope it helps, And back up in very decent quality


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AfterDawn Addict
21. January 2004 @ 00:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There isn"t Much use Keeping the DTS unless you have a DTS Decoder and a Surround Sound System hooked up to your DVD Player, and even then there is No real advantage over useing DTS than useing Dolby 5.1 and you can"t listen to two audio tracks at once so It would be a Good Idea if you got rid of the DTS unless you want to Keep it and Have Crappier Video Quality...You Probably could keep Both audio Tracks If you Backed up the DVD Manually and used a high quality software encoder to do the compression But most poeple are to lazy to learn how to Back up a DVD manually even if it does Produce the best Quality...

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21. January 2004 @ 20:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
elven said "if i use 51.5 compression with DvD Shrink3.1.3". I just backed up that movie w/shrink and didn't have near that much compression. I authored it and chose main movie only, then I chose only ac3 dolby 5.1 english for my sound, and english subtitles only. Let it automatically decide the compression and it came out to around 76 I believe(I am on a different computer now). Oh I also ran Deep analysis (be patient!! with bigger movies this will cause vast improvement) and burned with nero 6. My result is a perfect copy on TDK DVD+R media, trust me it plays perfect on a 36" digital flat screen. I also have dolby 5.1 surround sound(sony) and it works flawless.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. January 2004 @ 20:13

AfterDawn Addict
21. January 2004 @ 20:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Why do you need English subtitles??? I guess they are usefull if you are or your friends are deaf...

P-4 2.6ghz (Overclocked to 3.2ghz)
Abit IS7
1gb Dual Chanell DDR 400mhz
Zalman CNPS7000-CU Cooler(Modded with 50cfm Fan)
XFX Gforce 6600GT 128mb GDDR3 (500/1000)
Pinnacle DV500 ADVC Editing Card
RaidMax Scorpio ATX Case + 5 Led
AfterDawn Addict
21. January 2004 @ 21:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, they put it perfectly, reauthor and only keep the dolby digital and you will have no problems.

V9 PS2, flip top, SMD, DVDLoader
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DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter, Nero
21. January 2004 @ 23:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
as you can see I have this name newby under my nick so I wasn't real sure about sub titles. I thought I had read a post saying I could leave out but I wasn't sure, plus they are very small. By reading this forum first I am a coasterless noob from my first try to what is now my 13th back up dvd. You guys are great.
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25. January 2004 @ 22:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I copied a DVD-9 format DVD and fit it on a 4.3 Gig DVD-R and Played just fine with menues extras and everything.

I Used Smart ripper to decrypt the files and the used Nero recode to make the DVD and It works just find let me know if you need more help on doing it You can also E-mail me at

1)use Smart Ripper and chose the backup tab on the left,which will decrypt and copy all of the files to Video_Vts on your hard drive.

2) Once smart ripper is done use Nero recode (nero6.0) and select the import DVD option and select the VTS folder on the hard drive Nero will load and recode the files to make them fit on a 4.3 gig cd once Nero is done take the dvd out and play it in your PS2 or Home DVD Player. > forums > digital video > convert dvd to another format > help!!!!! backing x-men 2, please help

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