Hi guys:
I notice that disney movies although are dificult to back up (you have to use Ripit4Me & FixVTS) many times after being processed this way, STILL CAN NOT BE PROCESSED BY DVD SHRINK (in the middle of the process suddenly DVDShrink is turned off by itself, ...or really by some inscription in the movie itself), I can use only DVDFab-Pro to shrink. Does any body know what else to do with those movies, so I could use DVDShrink? (in such a way as to put 2 movies in the same disk, since looks like DVDFab doesn't have that capability). Any suggestions?
Other movie that I have been unable to backup is RAMBO (2008). Seems that it has other kind of protection which renders unoperative all the programs which was using until now (DVDDecrypter, DVDFab-Pro, Ripit4Me & FixVTS) ANY SUGGESTIONS?
I'll be thankful for any help.