I recently decided to back up my collection of "The Sopranos" and I am now encountering a problem.
With the first three seasons i had no problems using DVD Shrink and Nero 7, however half way through the fourth season i had to use DVD Decrypter to get into the disks and on the fourth disk not even that would open it.
I have also tried Amok DVD Shrinker and DVD Fab 5 and a few others with no luck.
As usual any help with this annoying little matter would be greatfully appreciated.
I've backed up all seasons of the Sopranos, but it's been so long ago I can't remember if I used AnyDVD or DVDFab....either should work really. The CRC error could mean that you have a bad disc(s)...have you checked them to make sure they are nice and clean and scratch free? Bad press from the factory? I really don't think there was anything special protection wise on this series.
yes the disks are perfectly clean and scratch free and i am using AnyDVD but for some reason the one disk wont get past 98% so it must be bad however three other disks wont even read in either of my two Sony drives, a problem that i have not seen before.