Just so that I can be understood, please let me know what the correct term is, for when a digital video "freezes" momentarily during playback. Additionally, the displayed image will sometimes fragment into what appears to be large "blocks" or square sections. I have seen this on broadcast television, as well as on DVDs.
What is this phenomenon known as?
What causes it?
Assuming that it is caused by physical damage to the media, resulting in unreadable areas, can these sections be fixed? If not repaired, can they be removed before backing up to new media.
Thanks in advance.
Quote:the displayed image will sometimes fragment into what appears to be large "blocks" or square sections. I have seen this on broadcast television, as well as on DVDs.
What is this phenomenon known as?
Thank you.
Seems that my success rate with rented DVDs is about 70 per cent. About 30% of the time, I can count on the DVD to cause pixelation, and/or erratic and "choppy" playback at some point(s). This occurs even though I thoroughly clean the discs before playing them. There are always a certain amount of small scratches present.
I AM AMAZED AT HOW SENSITIVE MANY STANDALONE DVD PLAYERS ARE TO SCRATCHED/DAMAGED MEDIA. Mine is a Toshiba SD3990.............other people I know with different brands and models have lower success rates!!
It wasn't stated that the rented DVD's were being backed up, but rather experiencing pixellation on the standalone player. I think this is in the wrong section. Moved to relevant forum.
Maybe this its an old post, but just to clarify the term pixellation although is widely used it is technically incorrect, as pixels are just the tiny dots that make up your screen. Instead this kind of artifacting is called Macroblocking, although you should stick with the first term (as probbably most people wont know what macroblocking is, although they understand what pixellation is), just wanted to point out this term is really incorrect