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'Not Permiited" message after Toast burn
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25. January 2004 @ 14:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a G4 Mac 867/10.2.8/Toast 6. I've managed several times to put a DVD through DVDBackUp and Dvd2oneX just fine. I have no problem playing the film in Apple DVD player when opening the Video_TS folder . But I get message 'not permitted' when trying to play the burned DVD on my Mac and a message 'Unsupport' when I try to play it on a standard dvd player on my TV.
I think I'm doing everything right in Toast 6....choose DATA window not Video, choose DVD-ROM UDF. Drag VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders into toast window, rename exactly same as original DVD and burn. It all goes through fine but won't play on my Mac or standard DVD player. I assume I must be most of the way there in that the VIDEO_TS folder plays fine on the Mac DVD player after treatment in DVDBackUp and DVD2ONEX. It's actually brilliant quality.. Am I right in copying all the original DVD files in DVDBackUp and then treating them all again in DVD2ONEX? I've tried changing the region choice in DVDBackUp from 'all regions' to Region 2 ( I live in the UK) but to no effect. Any advice would be greatly's driving me mad!
1. February 2004 @ 11:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I use toast 5, so i'm not familiar with v.6. With 5 you need to select dvd under "other", not DATA or VIDEO, but i dont know if you have this option in 6. I've always renamed the DVD's whatever i want, and never had any problems, they play fine in my dvd player, ps2, and xbox.

You are correct in using DVDBackup and DVD2OneX. You can leave the region as all regions, this shouldnt give you any problems. I think your problem is somewhere in Toast, but again, never having used 6, it's just a guess. good luck.
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4. February 2004 @ 19:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have the same problem since upgrading my iMac G4 800 Superdrive 10.2.8 to a Dual 1.8 G5 10.3.2 ( No probs playing the ripped and compressed film in Apple DVD Player by opening the Video_TS folder) but after burning it on a DVD using Toast 6 Titanium ( Data window and selecting DVD-ROM udf ) all i get is the "not permitted" message when trying to play it back on my mac. And if i try to manually open the Video_TS folder on the DVD with Apple DVD Player i get this error:
*DVD Player encountered a system error - Could not detect a valid media file. (-70025)
With the iMac i used to burn the dvd by selecting the Video window and choosing the DVD option plus selecting PAL, High quality and creating a DVD Menu. It worked every time and i used it a lot. But now on the G5 when i do this and while encoding i get either of this two messages:
*Could not record the disc because of a Mac Os error - Result code = - 18775
*Could not record the disc because there is a problem with the source material - Result code = - 18744

Can someone HELP please?

17. February 2004 @ 12:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think I have the same problem. I have already ripped many DVD's using DVD Backup and DVD2OneX. They all work great and I have had no rpoblem with them. But sometimes I'll have a DVD that won't burn right. I check right before I burn it on Toast 6. I open Apple DVD player and choose the converted Video_TS folder I am going to burn and it works great. But after I burn it I get an error on my mac dvd player saying that the disk is scratched or dirty. This has happened a few times but I do not want to continue ripping DVD's until I can figure out the cause of this. Any help????
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17. February 2004 @ 14:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi rgm.
Your problem is not the same as ours. Since my last post I found out what is preventing me from playing the burned DVD's on my G5 under Panther. It happens that DVDPlayer will only recognise video content from a DVD-R not allowing to play any other format like the DVD-RW I was trying to use. If your OS is Jaguar DVDPlayer willl play DVD-R and DVD-RW.
Your problem seems to be about the quality of the media you are using. I would suggest to try a different brand (Vervatim, TDK, Apple are the ones that offer the best compatibility with the Apple Superdrive). And also make sure that the speed of the DVD is compatible with the one of your Superdrive.
17. February 2004 @ 20:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The quality doesn't seem to be an issue since I have been able to burn other DVD's into the same media (Memorex 4.7 GB DVD-R). I'm running Mac OS 10.3. I ran into the same problem again after I posted my first message. The final converted VIDEO_TS folder does work but after I burn it the DVD does not work. It has happened with the last 3 movies I have tried to rip. But I have used the same method on other movies and it does work perfectly. I have succesfully ripped:
-Anger Management
-Old School
-The Fellowship of the Ring
-The Two Towers
-Black Hawk Down
-Pirates of the Caribbean
-Office Space
I have not been able to burn:
-Bad Boys 2
-Gone in 60 Seconds
-A Knight's Tale
The error that comes up is that the media is scratched or dirty but it is the same media I used for the other movies. Please help or redirect me to someone who can.
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18. February 2004 @ 13:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry but your problem is the quality of the Memorex DVD's. As you have noticed some of them will work but most of them won't. It is not only you who is experiencing lots of trouble with Memorex (they may be cheap but they are also crap). As I said try Verbatim, TDK or Apple and you will see how the problems go away.
Anyway if you do not belive me just go to the Apple support website and there you will find lots of posts about people complaining about the quality of Memorex media and how many problems they are getting. This is just one thread
My advice stay away from Memorex.
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18. February 2004 @ 21:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just in case you still disagree check out this other thread > forums > digital video > digital video discussion for mac users > 'not permiited" message after toast burn

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