Anyone got pictures of where/which direction to solder the ram into? should the direction be the same as the other ram chip close by? I removed it from another xbox that i used for parts. Does the xbox also have to be hardmodded? I also heard something about cpu upgrading, is there some kind of tutorial or information about that? CPU upgrade seems really hard.
Edit: CPU upgrade is made by friendtech which requires a special adapter (sold as a dreamX), so i guess cpu upgrade isn't available.
And still almost impossible. I have done 3 and killed another 2 with trying. The only advantage is with mame, and then only some games because many really need 512 ;)
Thanks for the replys!! I do know there isn't much difference that u can see on a upgraded ram on the xbox, but i have nothing to do, and i removed the ram already, this should be a really good for practicing my soldering skills. I just soldered one ram in the xbox it seems like its soldered well. I will continue tomorrow when i get a desoldering pump.
Bricked by the silence ;) 30 years soldering skills here.. and I still killed 2. There was a company doing this job.. and they went broke after having to buy a heap of consoles for people.
a desoldering punp isn't the way to do this job.. it takes a strong needle and braid.. and a very steady hand. ONE bridge between pins and you have a brick as soon as you power it up.. that is if you haven't killed the ram chips with the heat involved with unsoldering and soldering them.
It's a job professionals don't take on unless they have lots of spares and time and like very fine work.. amateurs not a hope. As was quoted once long ago on some xbox forums "if you haven't soldered before the xbox is NOT the place to learn"
Anyway.. all the xbox apps are built to use 64 and that's what the box has.. it's like sticking 4 gigs on an xp machine.. waste of time.
It was a waste of time, but me n my friend actually got the 4 chips in n had the controller port glow blu, with the jewel.. end up breakin some legs on one of two of the chip, n had to take it out of another xbox. To me removing the ram was a pain in the ass, but putting them in wasn't as hard. He went crazy dremelin the board, n using heat gun on everything, lol, it got us distracted by so many things, but it frustrated us, n we had some fun times. Using desoldering wick/braid with a 30 watt iron n some flux work kinda good to remove the chip. We only finished this last month, mainly cause i had a few of my friends psp that needed trigger mods/case..., n getting a new mobo for my ps2 n getting that to glow too.
Well, summers over, im studin in school n im havent really done much on anything. which reminds me, i havent really tested out that xbox which is at my friends place... yea during school days i mostly dont play video games, im mostly just on the computer. Well... im gonna be off afterdawn for a while. Ill upload some picture of the ram in place if i find my sd card/camera.