I have loaded approx 15 hrs of HD1080i footage shot with a Sony A1P onto an external HD.
It?s a 500G HD and I have used approx 160G.
Each mini DV tape - 1hr - has been captured in an individual PP-CS3 project.
The raw files are MPEGS and play fine on WMP.
The files are approx 11G each.
When they are opened on the timeline in CS3 the A+V are out of sync
I notice that when the clips are indexing the clip frame rate is 29.97fps but the sequence rate is 25fps - not sure if this is a problem but once the clip has finished indexing at starts to conform it changes to 25fps.
I have around 500/600G free space on my PC and im running quad core so I don?t think there?s a slow computer issue
I?m not a computer genius by any means but I know im running a fast computer and that something is wrong!
I've noticed on some forums that others have had similar problems but I can't find a concrete solution:
This was one potential solution that I tried and it hasn?t worked for me:
1. Delete all your files form the Media Cache
2. Upgrade to Premiere Pro 3.2
3. Open your Project/s
4. Wait for the re-indexing and Conforming
5. Edit without A/V sync issues
where is my Media Cache?
1. Edit > Preferences > Scratch Disks
2. Look for the path to Media Cache
3. Delete it with any file browser
How do I upgrade?
1. In Premiere Pro, go to Help > Updates
When you have re-indexing the files you can go to Window > Events in Premiere Pro and see the report that says that you have dropped frames on your media. The dropped frames cause A/V sync in Pre 3.2 versions.
I tried all of the above ? upgraded, opened up a new project, imported the file - it indexed, conformed and then was still not syncing up. I got these error messages when I looked into events...
Time code inconsistency in MPEG stream detected around frame 224. Audio
may be out of sync by 209 frames
mpegError in MPEG stream detected around frame 223
Another potential solution I tried:
Work using the files from my C drive instead of the external HD in case there was a latency problem ? DIDN?T WORK
Another potential solution:
Use a Video to Audio converter to make a WAV file of the audio from the MPEG. Use that audio on the timeline in PP-CS3 instead of the audio from the original imported file ? DIDN?T WORK
I?m positive that the raw MPEG file that was originally converted from the Sony Camera using PP-CS3 is fine. The trouble comes after the file is indexed + conformed in the timeline of CS3. On the timeline I can see the red frames that have been placed in where there has been a frame drop. I can?t see these when viewing the MPEG on WMP and there is no latency with audio, in fact, the picture and sound are great which suggests to me that the original file is not corrupt.
I have imported one hour (one full tape) of HD footage into Premier elements before and I never came across the same problem. I thought that moving up to pro would be a great idea and now it seems not to be.
The properties of the MPEG say the footage is 29.97fps. When I import a clip into a project with a sequence of 29.97fps the clip changes to 25fps after indexing and then it conforms.
When I import a clip into a sequence of 25fps the clip changes to 25fps after indexing and then it conforms.
I have been told that a clip with properties of 29.97fps should be edited in a sequence of 29.97, so why would my clip change to 25fps after being opened in a sequence of 29.97?
These are my file properties for one of my tapes/MPEG?s:
File Path: L:\THEBIGDOCO\tape 3\t3.mpeg
Type: MPEG Movie
File Size: 11.4 GB Image Size: 1440 x 1080
Pixel Depth: 1440
Frame Rate: 29.97
Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - compressed - Stereo
Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo
Total Duration: 01:02:29:07
Average Data Rate: 3.1 MB / second
Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.333
im having exactly the same issue except im editing in PAL 25fps
i have two files of 10gb each pulled from a Z1 at 1080i i can view the files with media player classic and the audio never goes out of sync with the video
the minute i go into PPCS3, after the first 3 minutes or so of footage, it all goes whack and by the end of the clip, im close on 10s out of sync..
this is really frustrating as im on deadline to cut and trying to resync every clip i pull down is taking forever..
i tried cleaning my scratch disk out and reconforming both files, but no change whatsoever
my pc is pretty beefy
athlon x2 6400+ and 4gb PC800 ram..
even so, i didnt touch the computer whilst it was conforming in hope that maybe if i didnt tax the system at all, it wouldnt drop the sync.. but it hasnt helped
Make that three people, ive even upgraded to CS4 hoping this would be fixed but the audio/video is still out of sync, WHY IS THIS ADOBE!!!, it plays back perfectly on wmp, running an XPS 730 3.8 4 gig ram, so it should be a breeze,
It's a problem with CS3 filling in what it thinks are 'dropped scenes'
Where there is a scene break - ie you have stopped recording then started again, CS3 seems to think that there is a scene been dropped. It fills the scene in with a red screen.
You can see this in CS3, scroll through a bit of footage slowly and pass over a section where you have started and stopped your tape, you will find a blank red screen.
The upshot of this is that progressively, with the more starts and stops, the audio will get further and further out of sync. So...
What you have to do is download a scene splitter, a small program that will detect scene breaks on your raw footage and then split it.
I am currently at work and don?t have the link to the one I used, when I get home I will post the link for you and hopefully you can get things cranking.
It is a pain because CS3 can?t deal with this on its own, but if you?re looking for a positive way to look on it ? at least your footage will be ready split up at the scene breaks for editing!
The better, other solution ? is to move over to Mac and drop a bomb on CS3!