Help in switching from Verbatim to Taiyo Yuden
Junior Member
20. July 2008 @ 03:19 |
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To My Afterdawn Advisors:
I have been using Verbatim 16X discs and burning them at 8X for a long time. But since the change to the Orange Label packaging I have had a few more bad discs. Then Supermediastore had an amazing price for the highly respected Taiyo Yuden premium line discs for a 200 quantity and I bought them. So my question is this. The TY's are rated 8X. I have always burned my Verbs at 8X, since that's half speed and I was instructed here by my Afterdawn mentors to do them at half speed. Based on this, should I burn these TY 8X discs at 4X? Or can they handle and give me good results at 8X?
Thanks for the input, as I finished the last of my Verbs and opened my first pack of the TY's tonight and realized I didn't know what to do!! I did the discs I burned tonight at 4X to be safe, but I'd like to know what's best.
I want to add that I have burned literally thousands of discs using the knowledge I gained here at Afterdawn, and your advice has been invaluable.
With great appreciation,
20. July 2008 @ 03:43 |
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Hi, yes its a shame that verbatim has switched its production factories and in some cases its quality has decreased (specially in the Double layers made in india)
Ive always used Taiyo Yuden 8X (TYG02), with silver laquer. Ive had excellent results at 8x burning speed, as you know Taiyo Yudens hold an excellent quality.
But if you want to be sure about it, just burn the same disc one at 4x and one at 8x, and do a PI/PO scan in Nero CD/DVD speed, to see if there is really any difference in the amount of errors in both discs, although Im sure you will be safe burning at 8x with these Taiyo Yudens, as I personally never had a problem with them
By: Paztelu

AfterDawn Addict
20. July 2008 @ 09:39 |
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You can't go wrong nor loose any appreciable time in burning those TYs at 4X.
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20. July 2008 @ 12:41 |
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I also have the TY 8x(-) premium DVD's. I burn them at 8x and have never had any problems. On my nero burning software they actually show up as capable of being burned at 12x speed. I have burned them at 12x and they work fine at that speed also but to be safe I only burn at 8x.
AfterDawn Addict
20. July 2008 @ 16:16 |
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I get better results burning the Taiyo Yuden 8x discs at 8x than I get at 4x . . .
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20. July 2008 @ 16:27 |
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Ive used ty GO2 8x-DVR silver printables for the last couple of years now, (hate the GO3 16x)and sure theyll burn at 16x but i always burn at 8x, and regularly get 95%+ on a nero quality check.I used to get a minimum of 98% a few months ago, but it all depends on what GG000xxx code it is.Ive got 102 at the moment and theyre not as good as some 110 i had a while ago.Strange but true.I totally agree with paztelu, verbs made india are ive voiced on these forums years ago.In fact ANYTHING made in india is shyte.Its a money thing in that if they can save 10 cents on 1000 discs they will.Plus the fact the wages they pay are peanuts, and if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.Verbatim has gone the same way as Ritek went ages ago.Only one manufacturer to stay with and thats TY until they move production to the land of peanuts!
pork pie,fish pie,cherry pie,hairy pie.Ill eat em all
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20. July 2008 @ 17:43 |
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I burn all my TYs at 8x with Excellent results! Of course it can depend on your burner firmware. But...........if your burner likes the 16x Verbs @ 8x. It should yield the same results with TYs.
Use The Best Media for The Best Burns! TYs, Verbs,(Made in Taiwan) Sony MIJs (YUDEN000 T02), Sony Made in Taiwan DVD+R 16x, Maxell MIJ, RITEK G05.
20. July 2008 @ 19:21 |
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Hey there pieman, long time no read; seems i'm about the only person who's had very good luck with the Indian Verbs of old (the 8x ones) and the newer 16x too :)
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AfterDawn Addict
20. July 2008 @ 19:43 |
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I've always burned my 8X +R TY T02s at 8X. No issues whatsoever.
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20. July 2008 @ 22:16 |
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I agree with Garmoon, burn the TY 8X at 8X and you'll have no problems, but remember, we are using 16X burners or faster now, when some of the 1/2 speed advice was given, 8X was the max for most of the burners out there. I have overburned some Verbatim 16X media at 20X using the Lite-On burner. But if you do indeed have a 8X burner (which I doubt anyone still has) then burn at 4X, otherwise let it rip at 8X.
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21. July 2008 @ 05:59 |
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Hiya Creaky! Trust you to be differant :)Ive been about but not as often as id like.Just cant let go of this 'made in india'fetish i have!!
pork pie,fish pie,cherry pie,hairy pie.Ill eat em all
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21. July 2008 @ 07:21 |
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I haven't had any problems with the "made in India" disks either. The samsung 16x are from the same factory and after the first duff batch they seem to be good now.
The local gigatain cd-r come from there too.. and they are about the best cd's I have ever seen... xbox philips drive reads them.. enough said.
AfterDawn Addict
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21. July 2008 @ 07:38 |
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Thus far i've had one coaster from the 50pack of MII discs. I've still got a few to go. Other than that, i haven't had any bad luck with them to date.
Senior Member
21. July 2008 @ 13:42 |
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I've not been Lucky or unlucky enough to try the made In India ? MII Verbatims Being somewhat of Media packrat I've still got alot of the Regular made in taiwan Verbatims & a supply of Various Taiyo Yuden & Sony's to burn To as well as Other media But In future purchases I'll Strive to get the MIt verbatims if I can get them ? Thanks for the info!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
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21. July 2008 @ 17:32 |
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thats a 8x+r TY burnt at 8x speed... they love to be burnt at 8x
under 7000 PIE's and less than 100 PIF. thats top quality media right there. and burnt at a quality speed.
nice sig BlivetNC. very nice
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. July 2008 @ 18:28
Junior Member
21. July 2008 @ 20:28 |
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All I can say to begin with is how thankful I am to have found this site so long ago. The wisdom and support is fantastic!!
OK, It looks like pretty much a consensus that the TY's I got will burn ok at 8X. My burner is fine, will probably burn faster than I even think it will, so 8X is cake, and also what I'm used to. No need to change my habits!!
One of the things that I neglected to mention is that I use -R's. I noticed that some of you use the +R's, but I would assume that the results are the same with whichever you use. I know back when I started the -R's seemed to be slightly preferred, but from what I can tell it's not that big a deal now. For me it's just the habit of buying what I have bought.
The TY's I burned at 4X seem fine, but since some of you found even better results with the 8X setting I will give that a go. And I also have a couple of stand alone DVD recorders to record TV off air, and the results were excellent with the new TY's.
As to the Verb 16X's in the orange label, I didn't have extreme problems, but I was so used to using 100 stacks with NEVER a bad disc that even a couple or three was a shock. Compared to the garbage I began with before I came here to Afterdawn and was schooled about the difference good media makes, (I used to be fortunate to get 50 out of 100 with the junk I bought) the Verbatims are still very good. But with the good price on the TY's I feel very happy with my purchase, and since I generally buy a good amount when I do find a good price, it allows me to wait for another sale before I buy again.
I do want to ask about the screen shot of the "Nero CD/DVD Speed" that was sent by cincyrob. It looks pretty cool, but I have no idea how you know that "under 7000 PIE's and less than 100 PIF" means that it is, "top quality media right there. and burnt at a quality speed." How do you know that, and what do those mean? Seeing almost 7000 PI Errors and 93 PI failures doesn't mean anything to me, but it sounds like it should. So what would these numbers be on low quality discs? And where do you get this software to check them? Is it part of Nero? Because that's what I use to burn my discs, although an older version.
Thanks so much to each of you who wrote. I deeply appreciate the support, and I am really amazed how quickly and throughly you folks answer questions and help with problems. It's great to come to the site and see that it's still such a positive experience. After many years on the internet, and going to a variety of sites and forums, this one has always been the best, and I mean by a long way. So thanks to all of you, my mentors, and keep up the great work!!!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
21. July 2008 @ 20:58 |
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glad we could help ya out. but you didnt need much help just some reassurance thats all. you knew the TY's were the real deal...
right now i dont think there is a big difference in the -r and +r. the good media you cant go wrong with either choice. myself i have just started burning the -r's and finding them to be of top quality also. meritline has a real nice deal on 200 8x-r TY's.
200 disc for $53.99 shipped.
and if you would like more info on the TY media. here is a link for you to look at. you will find a ton of info here. and alot of people that know alot about the TY brand...our own docTY(owner of that thread) is the guru of TY media.
as for the scan i posted. ill give ya this link and you canask questions about them in there. dont want to take this thread off topic. in there you can find anything you want to know about these scans. and where you can get the nero/speed test also.
the links are all to the first page of the links take a look see and have some fun.
AfterDawn Addict
22. July 2008 @ 02:20 |
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the Taiyo Yuden DVD dash R are just as good as the DVD plus R. also using the DVD dash R is less expensive than the DVD plus R format buying online. the advantage of using the DVD+R is you can booktype to DVD-ROM.
also make sure you have to most up to date firmware for your drive/burner and there will be no problem burning at 8x speed. I overburn the TYGO2s 8x at 12x with no problems, tells you how good TYs are
Antec 1200 Full-Tower Case/Thermaltake 750-Watt PS/ASUS SABERTOOTH Z77 Mobo/Western Digital Black WD500 500GB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache/NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTX 384-bit GDDR3 PCI Express Video Card/CORSAIR DOMINATOR PLATINUM 16GB DDR3 /Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge 3.5GHz (3.9GHz Turbo)/CORSAIR Hydro High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler/3-Asus DRW-24B1ST Sata Drives/Samsung 2493HM 24" LCD Monitior 1920x1200 resolution,5ms respone time/OS Windows 10 Pro SP1 64-bit