Hello. I'm just finally getting around to solving an old problem. In short, I glued down the slim PS2's sensors and made it unable to read discs. A replacement reset PCB is on its way to my house. But as I understand from reading similar threads on the subject, I may need to short the rear "C" sensor. I say "may" because I just dabbed some Krazy glue onto a peice of tape to aid it in adhering to the switch (rather than gluing down the switch itself), but some could have dripped down, who knows.
I'm already aware of what I'm supposed to do (from reading through this thread, but I just need some clarification:
1)When desoldering the sensor from the board, is it necessary to remove the entire motherboard, flip it over, and melt the soldering points? Or can I just melt the points from directly underneath the sensor off the board while it's still in the chassis? I just want to do as little handling of the unit as possible to avoid risking more damage.
2)I'm not sure if the "foundation points" (described in the other thread) still need to be there after the chip is removed.
3)Or could I just...uhh, "pluck" it off with a small pair of pliers? I know that seems like an unintelligent thing to do, but if it's feasible enough and will hardly risk damaging the board, then it seems like a good option.