Two 'Films' To One Disc
27. January 2004 @ 13:54 |
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I'm using DVD Shrink to ensure that my 'films' are under the 4.5 mark and then using Nero 6 to burn. I also have several 'films' where 2 will fit onto 1 DVD Disc. How do I produce a menue for this for my 2 'films' ie Futerama 1 Disc 1 and Futerama 1 Disc 2 and make it look reasonably professional. Thanks
Senior Member
27. January 2004 @ 14:20 |
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hey, Dr Evil relax "laser"
whats with all the "" " " " i mean cum on.. strange
but to the problem at hand id say your best bet was SonicMyDVD very good program what u do is (get it first of course) then u select import video content etc or sumat like that and itill put it onto a kinda like background then u can put the others in make menus accompanying music etc
hope it helps
get back to "us" and let us know how youre "doing"
lol, sorry i just couldent resist it looked funny u doing all the Quotation marks i officially apoligise sorry....
anyway let us know how u get on and if it works
27. January 2004 @ 14:32 |
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do you seriously want him to "cum on", cuz i sure as hell dont. btw its come.
AMD Athlon 64bit FX-55 - OCed to 3.06Ghz -- Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 SLI -- 4GB Dual Channel DDR400
2x 120GB Seagate 10K RPM RAID-0 -- 2x BFG GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI Express SLI -- Plextor PX-740A & TDK 40x20x52x -- Windows 7 64bit -- Maybe old and outdated but still runs quick lol
Senior Member
27. January 2004 @ 14:39 |
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No... dont be sick
btw it aint like we av to use ze proper english iz it
tis a forum not an english exam
o, and another thing u brought to our attention the *cum on* phrase so u must be thinkin bout it ...
strange sad little man
27. January 2004 @ 14:50 |
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well sorry if i like proper english or atleast close to it.
sad little man huh? would ya like to wager on that? I'll bet you my Cessna I'm not.
AMD Athlon 64bit FX-55 - OCed to 3.06Ghz -- Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 SLI -- 4GB Dual Channel DDR400
2x 120GB Seagate 10K RPM RAID-0 -- 2x BFG GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI Express SLI -- Plextor PX-740A & TDK 40x20x52x -- Windows 7 64bit -- Maybe old and outdated but still runs quick lol
Senior Member
27. January 2004 @ 15:06 |
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am not knocking "proper english" but how do we Define "proper English"?
should we speak Metaphorically? Philosophically?
or simple Psychology?
I am not a "dumb dumb" far from it i just couldent be bothered to speak in ze proper writing language dude......
anyway yer i wouldent like to wager it (dont wanna embarass ya) and what the hell is a "Cessna" you got me stumped on that one "old" man ;-) anyway this lad has a question only fair we should answer it not be Quarreling over petty english
27. January 2004 @ 15:14 |
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ok i guess proper english would have everything be perfect. and i know your not dumb, and i bet you are far from it.
old man. lol. to bad im only 19 man. and a Cessna is a plane. (no embarassment taken). and if ya still dont believe me look it up on any search engine. petty...i like how you used that word, dont know why though. im actually starting to like you. err not in that way though. yes we should answer his question though. what was it again? lol. umm yeah your answer works.
cya man
AMD Athlon 64bit FX-55 - OCed to 3.06Ghz -- Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 SLI -- 4GB Dual Channel DDR400
2x 120GB Seagate 10K RPM RAID-0 -- 2x BFG GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI Express SLI -- Plextor PX-740A & TDK 40x20x52x -- Windows 7 64bit -- Maybe old and outdated but still runs quick lol
Senior Member
27. January 2004 @ 15:23 |
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ahh very interesting mate
im only 15 ;-)
thanks for the pat on the back bout the software eg answer btw madwolf if ya still looking at this thread then try what i suggested (if ya can) and get back to "us"
btw leviticus how big your cessna?
27. January 2004 @ 15:43 |
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lol. i see your still using the "quotes". err sorry madwolf
if your thinking its a model its not. its full size personal aircraft that seats four. i'm not sure how else to explain the size unless you want like a spec chart.
AMD Athlon 64bit FX-55 - OCed to 3.06Ghz -- Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 SLI -- 4GB Dual Channel DDR400
2x 120GB Seagate 10K RPM RAID-0 -- 2x BFG GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI Express SLI -- Plextor PX-740A & TDK 40x20x52x -- Windows 7 64bit -- Maybe old and outdated but still runs quick lol
Senior Member
27. January 2004 @ 15:51 |
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you are nineteen?
you have a personal aircraft seating four?
and you got this how?.....
1 your rich or two you very succesfull lol... or you have a rich uncle ;-)
seriously sounds impressive COME on tell me
ps not joshing u am serious sounds kool
27. January 2004 @ 16:11 |
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19? - Yes
Personal aircraft? - Yes
How? - Rich
Anything else? not trying to sound mean there, but this thread is long and way off subject, lol. notice how madwolf hasn't said anything since he posted it.
AMD Athlon 64bit FX-55 - OCed to 3.06Ghz -- Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 SLI -- 4GB Dual Channel DDR400
2x 120GB Seagate 10K RPM RAID-0 -- 2x BFG GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI Express SLI -- Plextor PX-740A & TDK 40x20x52x -- Windows 7 64bit -- Maybe old and outdated but still runs quick lol
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. January 2004 @ 16:14
Senior Member
28. January 2004 @ 03:27 |
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true true
sorry madwolf are you still around here somewhere??
have i (we) helped you?
give us sum feedback wont you???
btw leviticus not meaning to sounds rude or owt i apoligise right now if this question is offensive and u dont have to answer but were u born into being rich lol or u make a killing on the stock market?
28. January 2004 @ 07:29 |
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Nice to know people are at least reading my questions, and correcting my grammer. Any chance of an answer to one lol. Will try that LoNeR
28. January 2004 @ 07:31 |
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madwolf, when/if you get that done some feedback would be nice.even though it sounds like we're dumb, we're really not.
btw-yeah i was born into it.parents have been into the stock market for a long time and i went in myself around 15,im doing alright but not good enough to buy the a ways to go before that.
AMD Athlon 64bit FX-55 - OCed to 3.06Ghz -- Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 SLI -- 4GB Dual Channel DDR400
2x 120GB Seagate 10K RPM RAID-0 -- 2x BFG GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI Express SLI -- Plextor PX-740A & TDK 40x20x52x -- Windows 7 64bit -- Maybe old and outdated but still runs quick lol
Senior Member
28. January 2004 @ 07:50 |
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nice one leviticus....
sounds good lol maybe i oughta try the stock market
anyway hope we helped ya madwolf
28. January 2004 @ 12:47 |
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Sorry guys that didnt work please remember that your dealing with a confuser cabbage here lol but thanks N E way
AfterDawn Addict
28. January 2004 @ 16:53 |
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21. February 2004 @ 22:16 |
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TMPGenc DVD Author is excellent for creating easy menus. But it doesn't support subtitles. Any ideas of software to use with DVD Shrink that will let me make nice menus and still keep the subtitles ripped from dvd's in the first place?