So I know Nero 8 doesn't work with DVD Shrink but what versions do work? what parts of the software do I need(burning rom, backitup?) and where can I get them? Also, do I have to set them up in a certain way for them to work?
I've tried imageburn with the new dvd shrink that automatically does it and it wouldn't work, it kept saying track errors or something. I have nero 5 burning rom installed now so does anyone know how to get dvd shrink to work with it? It isn't an option on the pull down menu when you hit backup.
Ok, I tried it again and got ImgBurn to work but I didn't do it automatically. I copied the disc to my harddrive and then manually used imgburn. It seemed to have worked, however, the menus get weird lines or the sound blips but the movie plays back normally. Any remedies?