So I've converted my avi to an mpg. I was under the impression that all i had to do then was burn that mpg to a dvd and it would work in my dvd player. But it doesn't.
You need to author the mpg, it create's the proper DVD file
structure - Video_ts (folder) VOB,BUP and IFO files, etc,etc.
Try something like DVD flick. I'm not sure if it will use your
existing mpg and author it without re-encoding.
If it doesn't, just feed DVD flick the avi and do the
whole thing in there.
Originally posted by davexnet: You need to author the mpg, it create's the proper DVD file
structure - Video_ts (folder) VOB,BUP and IFO files, etc,etc.
Try something like DVD flick. I'm not sure if it will use your
existing mpg and author it without re-encoding.
If it doesn't, just feed DVD flick the avi and do the
whole thing in there.
Ok, cherrs. The reason i was using tmpgenc is because i'd read around that it was the best out there in terms of making quality dvd's. But if i have to encode the mpg afterwards am i gettting any real benefit as opposed to just sticking to what i've been doing, which was using convertxtodvd.