yeah you will need a ripper. you have two to chose from anydvd or dvdfab decrypter. anydvd works in the background while DVD Next Copy transcode and burns it.
or you can use better software, your options are here
HEllo had Same Issues with DVD next Copy TOO BAD 321 didn't make it
Got 1000's of Discs with them and they still work flawlessly, You'll
Find DvdneXt Copy Is the best relative the other beauty is It'll do
the Larger 2 sided which is an Issue today.Google search Dvd43Free
Might even be here at install It is simply a Happy Face strips out a lot of encryption for DvDneXtCopy to perform
the only trick I've learned is other Programs don't run well with
DvD43Free however they notify you on installation, DvdShrink,ImgBurn,
DvDFabHDCopy,Beauty is 43 is free, so your out nothing,I purchased,
DvDneXtCopyExpress,as the trial worked so well,If you are same,they do have updates,and they clear a lot of bugs,errors out,I Also run
AoADVDCopy,Just as nice plus you can strip out languages and specify
copy size disk,and doesn't care if DVD43 is there.
I agree completely with ZoSoIV, tried dvd43 while back and had nothing but problems. Lots of conflicts with my other programs not to mention it just plain didn't work on my movies.