I am using dreamultra since it is neutrino and very similar to dbox images. I will upload it tonight and post a link here, I have sorted all channels pretty well in bouquets etc. Keys have probably rolled since my last save so it might just take a few mins but definitely autorolls. Mine is set for N*L dublin though so would need rescan and sorting elsewhere.
Originally posted by ruprect: I am using dreamultra since it is neutrino and very similar to dbox images. I will upload it tonight and post a link here, I have sorted all channels pretty well in bouquets etc. Keys have probably rolled since my last save so it might just take a few mins but definitely autorolls. Mine is set for N*L dublin though so would need rescan and sorting elsewhere.
any the answer is : digital worldz 2.1 image. you have to also manually transfer the roms and fixs because some smart arse didn't properly fix the DW2.1 IMAGE. found on the bigmaq toolbar . bigmaq.co.uk
Originally posted by Satlinksw: I've never heard of this image, is it better than the 500C Digitalworldz ? Is the fix stable or do you still have to ftp?
save your bouquets with dream box edit flash with new image turn on to tv3 wiat 10 min all should be fine and return saved bouquets to box and you be sorted then
Originally posted by Satlinksw: I've never heard of this image, is it better than the 500C Digitalworldz ? Is the fix stable or do you still have to ftp?
I prefer it, probably since I started out with dboxes so got used to the neurtino image format, it has virtual zap which I use a lot, and I have not seen that on any other dreambox images.
It will autoroll fine, I updated the rom files in it. I think there is another version out of it now, I think the only differences are that it had the updated roms in it and can also run gbox. But gbox is really only needed for chirpy sagem dbox2's IMO