I am 63 years old, but love hand held consoles. I have a DS, Gameboy advance and now have become the proud owner of a psp.
How do I connect to the internet? I have a Netgear wireless router.
Also, how do I download photos from my pc onto my psp?
I have read and reread the instructions, but it all goes over my head. Can someone give me a step by step guide?
1.On your psp go to settings>network settings
2.Press X and then with X select Infrastructure Mode
3.With X select New Connection, then with rigth arrow key select Scan
4.Then you will see how much signal you have
5.Select your connection with X
6.Press right key and then type your code of your internet, if you don´t have it will go automaticly to None and then just press right key like i sayed
7.When you typed the code press right key, then select Easy and then right
8.Press again right and again right
9.then press x to save settings
10.Then finaly test your connection, if all be OK, press home button and you can go now to Internet browser under Network.....
Enjoy at internet!
1.Save your picture/photo on your pc
2.Go to usb mode under settings(connect usb cabel to psp)
3.Copy your picture/photo and paste it into X(your drive letter of psp; example mine is G:/):/PICTURE/your picture or photo
4.You are done!then just disconect usb mode and go to Photo>Memory stick
I hope i helped you, coz that is so easy that can´t be easier
But I´m glad that we have some older here..Welcome!
Thankyou for your help. I did everything you said, but on testing, it came up with an error in connection. Yet the netgear reading said the connection was 100%. However, I have downloaded some piccies.
Thankyou very much for your help.
Thankyou for your help. I did everything you said, but on testing, it came up with an error in connection. Yet the netgear reading said the connection was 100%. However, I have downloaded some piccies.
Thankyou very much for your help.
If that so then you didn´t type the corect code of your internet...
no problem that is for us very easy...
By the way, are you interesting just for to have an internet connection and photos. If not just ask what do you want more and we or i will help you.