Has anyone ever come across this and possibly found a solution?
It happens when copying certain files from the PC to the xbox, this can be anything from Roms to Stepmania songs, certain files just dont like the xfer process... I have tried copying through FlashFXP and Windows Vista, same files same problem.
if the file name you are copying is too long or has special chars in it, it will fail to transfer those files and will give you funny error reasons such as those. For instance, "Bassins Black Bass Fishing with Hank Parker.smc" is too long. After changing it to "Black Bass Fishing.smc" it worked fine.
Also recommend using FlashFXP. Seems to do the best at transferring files to and from xbox.
Thanks mate ill try rename a few files and see if that works, and i am using FlashFXP but by god its slow, im finding it much more efficient to map the network drive in Windows Vista and just use the normal windows explorer for file transfers. The time difference is crazy, 10seconds in windows compared to 10 minutes in flashfxp for an example.
as for flashfxp being slow, in the quick connect window before you connect, click the TOGGLES tab and UNcheck use passive mode. Dafault is an auto setting I think. Click it once and it puts a CHECK there, click it again and it takes it off. This should speed it up for you.