Hi everyone. I tried searching but couldn't find an applicable answer. I have a folder on my hard drive that has 119 mpg files that were revered from a bad camcorder disk. When I open Roxio to burn them onto a DVD, I tell it to combine them into one movie. Problem is, the order in which they are burned seems (to me, at least) to be random. It doesn't match the order in which they come up in the Roxio window, which is also different from the way they are listed in the Windows Explorer folder.
So my question is, how do I ensure that the DVD is burned in the order that I want, so that the resulting movie is one seemless video in the right chronological order? Right now it jumps all over the place.
I don't have a direct answer. But, have you tried recovering the whole original DVDR?. You know, sometimes a disc can't be read in a drive but can somewhere else. IsoBuster even gives you the possibility to read as much as you can in one drive, then go to another PC and try to read the missing sectors.
If the problem comes from scratches, after having discarded all other options, try the toothpaste way: if possible the one used by smokers, which has abrassive additives. Rub always in the radial direction. The surface will become opaque with a zillion fine radial scratches, but after polishing the main scratch will have its walls rounded and easier for the drive to refocus.
Have good luck!
Thanks for the help - the DVD has been recovered (had the work done by a professional data recovery company), and I have all of the mpeg files on a disc and my hard drive - but I don't know how to load them in order. Roxio seems to jump around a bit. Somehow on a 30 minute video disc, I have 120 files to order.