hi guys is it possible to unscramble channels with the remote control,, i have just got my box and didnt realise you had to link up to p.c,,
would be grateful if anybody can help
If you dont have the new 1.1a firmware installed you will need to put the new firmware on your box using a RS232 Null modem cable, Follow the guide under my picture for info on how to.
I recently purchased the above eurovox model and I am having untold trouble trying to get the unit working.
Having followed the instructions and upon consultation with friends I did the following :
1/ uploaded/flashed the software package (1.0 version) using my p.c and modem provided.
2/ connected the co-axial , scart lead and power cables up correctly.
3/ changed the "symbol rate" to 6.887 , as I am in Dublin and on an N.T.L cable.
4/ innitiated the "fast scan" process , the result - the "level bar" fluctuated and the "quality bar" stuck on "8%" ????
5/allowed the scan to complete, but no channels scanned ?
6/ disconnected unit and uploaded/flashed the newer software (version 1.1) , hoping this would remedy the situation , to no avail ???
- after I scanned the newer software (version 1.1) I checked the "s/w ver" on the unit and it read 1.0 eventhough the subsequent "DNLD" installed the 1.1 version
successfully. I tried through the "fast scan" process again , but the same happened and the unit wouldnt scan properly??
7/ lost patience with the unit and decided to contact you guys !
p.s , Could there be a problem with the "emu rate" ?? does this need to be changed ?? I couldn't access this to ammend it no matter what i tried ??
Could you please forward a step by step guide for this unit and any trouble shooting tecniques.