downloaded avi files (movies) to vcd please help??
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2. September 2002 @ 10:11 |
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Ok need some help i have some downloaded avi files (movies) i would like to burn to a vcd the porblem is i cant find out wich program i need to use to convert them to mpeg format. ive tryed to use parts of the dvd ripping procces starting at the avi part (thinking half my work is probly allready done is all). But none of the popular programs will work with my avi (down loaded) files. im realy new at this and just need a quick downloaded avi to mpeg to vcd guild if someone could please help me. . . gona take a breack from driving my self crazy now and install a dvd drive on my pc. :) so ill have more questions in the future. THANK YOU for this sight whoever that may be :) thx guys please help
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2. September 2002 @ 16:13 |
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Ok first of all you will need TMPGenc you can download it from this site. second after you converted your avi's to mpg you will nedd to use nero or east cd creator (something that will make a vc or svcd format of disc) to burn them as a vcd or svcd disc. after they are done you should be able to watch them in your dvd player (granted you dvd player plays vcd or svcd?)to find out if it does go to
3. September 2002 @ 07:57 |
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Never use TMPGEnc, it will result in the synchro problem, ie, the audio will be not synchronous with the video, they don't match each other. Just use Nero, it can help you not only convert but also burn these movies to vcd in one time, it's the so-called "2 in 1" software, the most important it will not produce any synchro problem.
You can download the newest version of "Nero Burning ROM & SVCD_Plugin & Mp3Pro_Plugin" from the Free Download Field of
And you can even watch onling or download hundreds of movies and MTVs there, the Movies & MTVs Channel" of
If you really wanna download it, you can find the correct site: Remove all arabic numerals from "", you will find the real one...:-)
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3. September 2002 @ 15:43 |
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see thats the think ive done both of these. first i tryed to use just nero 5 . . but each time i started to burn it the program would not be responding ( ctrl,alt,delete, encoding not responding) . . so then i got tmpegnc or whatever, and tryed to encode it useing that, it would tell me that the file, wich was called mrdeeds(1of2)avi or somthing was not availible or not valid . . i asumed it was avi becuase it said so. no i have just secsesfully compleated a dvd 2 vcd so i know the programs work right. my qustion is .. Is there a diferant proceadgure for burning downloaded files or do i just have a bad one? .. ( it playes fine in windows meadea player) .. hope that makes a lill more sence thanks for the help so far :)
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4. September 2002 @ 19:28 |
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I hate titles
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5. September 2002 @ 02:40 |
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6. September 2002 @ 14:30 |
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thanks guys/gals i got it. tempgnc worked after i got the divx codec super packet. heh just that i ran out of harddrive space in the process. will get a new one next week. thx for the help. p3/500mhz takes about 20hours to encode from avi to mpeg just a sad fyi :)
I hate titles
35 product reviews
6. September 2002 @ 16:15 |
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I have P3/500 as well and I feel your pain :-) But its worth the wait anyway :-)
8. September 2002 @ 23:29 |
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Hmmmm... so much for my optomistic errant belief that my new 80 gig hdd knocks compression time down by half. With my P3-450, TMPGEnc estimated a 45 minute movie file would take over 40 (!) bleeding hours to encode using 2-pass vbr @ highest possible quality settings.
Since I'm looking at 178 potential compressions of these 45 minute shows (Star Trek-TNG), I just threw in the towel. Only takes 9 hours-per show using vcd on the same equipment, albeit at a substancial drop in quality. It's a shame, too, because 45 mins worth of svcd *would* have fit on the same 800 mb disc.
But I fear all my teeth would probably fall out by the time I finished compresing the whole series, and I haven't even mentioned TOS, DS9, or Voyager. (Sigh......)
-- Mike --