Reflash Treo 650/700W for Metro PCS
Junior Member
10. September 2008 @ 01:11 |
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Anybody know how to reflas treo 650?700w Verizon to use the with metro PCS. Thanks
Learning by doing
29. November 2008 @ 00:52 |
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Yep :) -- head over to -- they're the BEST. Your 700w is out of luck, but your Treo 650 is good to go! Full talk, text, internet, and YES... picture messaging -- ALL UNLIMITED -- and all on the Metro PCS network for about $50 per month before taxes!
Junior Member
29. November 2008 @ 14:10 |
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Thanks for the info but their prices are so overprice. Yes there are solutions for flashing for Treo (600, 650, 700, Centro) for using Metro PCS. alot of place they charge about $45 to $60 for flashing your phone or you can check : for how to flash your CDMA phone for cricket, Metro PCS
Learning by doing
29. November 2008 @ 15:43 |
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Guess that all depends on how you look at it. Typically, the places charging $45 to $60 do NOT guarantee full internet and/or picture messaging -- and is THE BEST in the business... but by the time you purchase the cables and software required to do it yourself there's no comparison. Better yet -- let's say something happens while you're trying to do it yourself... umm, what's it going to cost you to replace your Treo? Yep. That's right. Last but not least, is offering the lowest prices ANYWHERE for their pre-flashed units (unless of course, you were going to deal with someone listing their own unit on Craig's List -- which is another adventure in itself... think -- ESN, no warranty, and no where to return it to if something went wrong!). Just trying to help you out there, but you will ultimately decide what's best -- right?
Junior Member
29. November 2008 @ 16:19 |
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Oh come on Mister_B. I have done 3 Treo (2 treo 650, 1 700W) with no problem at all, you can google search how to flash treo for Metro PCS and you would see that I (porto35) asked everywhere about flashing treo and about 1 week ago, I got every answer I need and I did it with no problems. Who told you that we can't flash Treo 700W, you just a full of BS or you knowledge about flashing phone is so limited. Do not scare people. What is the worst case? you brick your phone, you can always flash it back to the original firmware. If you want to sell your service, I think that you came to the wrong place. People need help when they coming here not for buying service. I do not sell anything. Do not discourage them. Anyway, MMS or WAP, go to, a lot of help from them, they will show you how step by step. You can check samsung thread to see how I did with unlock samsung. I always believe that phone company lock their phones or do not provide the option for flashing their phones are shame of themselves. We paid for the phones, do you want the people tell you which TV channel that you can only watch when you paid for your own TV? $60 is a reasonable charge for flashing the CDMA Treo phone. By the way, who has LG PDA phone, do not pay for flashing. Most of LG phone can be flashed at Metro PCS store. Charge higher than $60 is just the riff off. I still learning about CDMA but give us a break Mister_B
Learning by doing
29. November 2008 @ 18:22 |
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Wow Porto35!!! Sounds like you're frustrated. I was really only trying to help. Not once did you hear me say that people couldn't gather the information from the internet and perform the flashing themselves. What you DID hear me say, is that where Treo is concerned -- reprogramming it requires a costly cable... and that -- the software (unless you're using warez) is another cost factor... and that -- "bricking" a Treo was a possibility for someone that didn't exactly know "how to do it". As for the $60 limit you've set for yourself... that's clearly your personal opinion -- and you're entitled to it!
Junior Member
29. November 2008 @ 23:51 |
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Cable what? You have no idea what r u talking about. Be quiet and get lost buddy.
Learning by doing
Junior Member
30. November 2008 @ 00:00 |
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By the way here whoever wants to flash your Treo for Metro PCS, you will have almost everything you need from one place to flash your Treo: go to download.
Mister_B blah blah blah is just a piece of..... He tried to scare you off. Buy any CDMA Treo and go for Metro PCS, HALLELUJAH
Learning by doing
1. December 2008 @ 19:50 |
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That's GREAT information Porto35 -- I thank you for it, as I am sure anyone wanting to conquer the task does -- your presentation could use some work though. Insulting someone as a show of gratitude is poor form -- and if you disagree with the help I tried to extend -- then just say that much... state your case (with the proof to back it up), and then just call it "a wrap". From what I know about forum etiquette -- EVERYONE has a right to share their thoughts -- including those of us who know so much less than you. That much stated, I commend you on a job well done -- the information and the links you posted are right on the mark, and THAT is the real reason people participate in forums. You can save your ranting and raving for someone who might actually bend to it... as for me, note my graceful decline to your invite for me to get lost -- I am here... and I will be, so get used to it. As for others who come to this thread to gain knowledge (like you did)... and those who come to this thread to share knowledge (like I did) -- THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THIS THREAD IS FOR -- so do us all a favor and stop with your ongoing rhetoric about how YOURS is the only experience to be shared! Lastly... thanks for what you've taught me -- this method could prove to double production and cut the workload in half!!! :)
Junior Member
4. December 2008 @ 01:18 |
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Sorry it is not my intention to stop what you're doing in this forum. You're entitled to share your knowledge here and people would welcome you for that, but PLEASE do not discourage people to learn to do it (see my slogan learning by doing). I have no experiences about cell phone and I'm too old to learn a new trick but I strongly believe that the cell phone company lock your phones or prevent reflash yours is DAMM WRONG and not in GOOD FAITH when they seld you their phones. This is the last post about this matter and thanks for clarify with me about your intention in this forum. By the way, welcome on board, my friend-Mister_B
Learning by doing
4. December 2008 @ 08:38 |
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Much appreciated Porto35 -- having carefully considered your thoughts on the matter -- let's meet in the middle on it. Those of us that are technically enclined don't mind tinkering with things, until we get them to work our way... but many people don't have this as a natural talent -- and for someone who doesn't automatically know how to recalibrate his/her firmware, should they "brick" the phone while trying to flash it -- could suffer an expensive lesson -- ESPECIALLY IF THEY'VE PAID RETAIL PRICES FOR THEIR DEVICE. Because of THAT, please (in your effort to HELP people) -- let them know what the associated risks are, and at least encourage them to do a "test run" on a unit that they can get for much cheaper (flea markets, swap meets, Craig's List, ebay, yard sales, garage sales, etc...) -- Ultimately, if you pay $25-$45 for a unit and experience a mishap with it -- you will "feel it" alot less than if you have paid $650.00 only to discover that you CAN'T GET YOUR MONEY BACK!!! When they have gained the confidence that only "experience" will bring them -- THEN they can go out and buy the unit with all the bells and whistles and flash to their heart's content (their own units, their families units, their friends units, and so on -- just like I DID). That much stated, my intention is not to "scare" anyone -- KNOWLEDGE IS POWER... and until you are equipped with it, you are at a disadvantage (hence our complaint in common about the big phone companies and the way they attempted to monopolize consumer ability to "make the most" out of their own cellular units). THIS my friend, is what it's all about -- and is indeed is how "flashing" was born! If your goal is to educate the masses, then that's an endeavor I can support -- but don't just send them out there blindly without letting them know the downside of it, as we both know it takes a fair understanding of computer and telephone knowledge to make this a "do-able" thing. Just because you own a vehicle doesn't mean you understand how to repair it if it breaks down... Just because you own a home doesn't mean you understand how to repair the foundation if it moves a few inches... and likewise, Just because you own a cell phone doesn't mean you understand how to repair it if your lock code activates and you don't know what you're looking at! You're intentions are honorable -- but don't assume that everyone has the same abilities that you do. Tell them BOTH SIDES of what their looking at BEFORE they start their journey so that they can make an educated decision as to how they should best proceed forth. THEN AND ONLY THEN... are we really "helping" them, as by doing it that way -- their risk is minimized based on what they know up front! Lastly... thanks for the welcome, and note that I look forward to both of us gaining from one another's experience as the future unfolds. Happy Holidays, :) B!
Junior Member
5. December 2008 @ 00:57 |
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Could not be agreed more:). Hope to see you regularly here.
Learning by doing
3. February 2009 @ 23:52 |
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Hi maybe someone here can help me out. I have a Treo 700P that I want to flash to Metropcs. I have never flashed a phone before and I don't want to screw it up. I have downloaded the cdma updater and the .prl file. What do I do once the updater is done? I followed the instructions by going into the debug menu and unchecking what it told me and then ran the updater. Now my phone will not power up. It will boot so I can go through all of the menus but again it will not power up at all. Please help. Thanks in advance.