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dvd+r lightscribe
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21. September 2008 @ 00:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
where can i get dvd light scribe movie covers online

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21. September 2008 @ 01:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can try these two websites:

22. September 2008 @ 16:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have those 2 sites and i thamk you very much but im looking for dvd titles already in light scribe pallets or templates i can use not in colour like cdcovers has

AfterDawn Addict
22. September 2008 @ 19:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

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22. September 2008 @ 22:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no like i said b4 i have those 2 sites --i need "dvd" disk Movie covers like cdcovers has but not in colour but in the lightscibe pallet or template premade light scribe labels or disk covers for all Movies

AfterDawn Addict
23. September 2008 @ 01:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Whats the difference?

I doubt that or anyone else makes lightscribe templates for specific movies.

I use cdcovers and let lightscribe convert it.

Good luck finding such a back here when you find it...I'm curious to see what is the difference.

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25. September 2008 @ 00:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
jim_dandy- to the rescue !,Go jim_dandy- LOL!!! But seriously I hear ya' I just convert The Disc Label art to B&W/Grayscale & then adjust it from there ! Pobably similar to what you do too?

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
25. September 2008 @ 17:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i do with lightscribe program convert it that way but the site rhinomangraphics used to have them premade for ya so they turned out great but as usual the site is not working and some labels show up for google images but not all so i have to get them from cdcovers thats why i asked b4 and yes they did have them b4 thru rhinomangraphics so thats why i been asking

AfterDawn Addict
25. September 2008 @ 17:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hmmmm ya learn something new everyday ;) Sorry I doubted you.

I'll have to keep my eyes on that site, it says coming soon when I googled it.

So these templates turn out better than a regular jpeg convert?

Yes BIGTOXY69 that was the normal procedure...I'm interested in this rhino stuff, I'm mostly disappointed in the regular lightscribe.

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25. September 2008 @ 18:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
jim_dandy- Yeah I think Lightscribe Was is a Good Idea in concept! But to be Honest I mostly go the Sharpie Route ! I've done a few Lightscribe Disc though just to see how it worked & looks ! It's okay But If you have to pony up EXtra for special ( Lightscribe ) Media ! Yoou may as well Just buy a printer thats capable of printing directly on your disc like epson and cannon Make and then buy some printable media! that's mho anyways ! Ironically I just bought a Lightscribe Burner From newegg ! Though truth be told That's not why I bought it ! I really bought it because It came with a Sata Cable where the Oem version did'nt and if I would've bought two of the Oem drives instead of 1 oem and 1 retail I would have still had to buy another SATA cable which would have cost the same as the retail unit with Lightscribe did so I got lightscibe thrown in as a bonus !Have'nt put hem in yet But looking foward to doing so soon !let'me know if you get the info on the Rhino -stuff and have a good one buddy!!!

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
25. September 2008 @ 23:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i thank u both for believing in me and yeah i cant wait for rhino to come available again and hopefully there will be more labels available then b4 cuz they work alot better then the colour covers converted trust me i used some already they turn out better then ever and a darker look and more professional but yes the lightscribe is better in my way cuz i dont have to pay for ink carts all the time for printable cd's when lazer is free after u pay for the burner and its all in one instead of a huge printer on the side but lets keep out hopes up for rhino guys

23. October 2008 @ 17:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the light scribe website is back up and going remeber rhinoscribe check it out

Junior Member
24. October 2008 @ 07:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've been looking for a site like rhino. I've just been using cd cover pics for my lightscribes.. thx
Senior Member
24. October 2008 @ 08:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is burning Lightscribe discs hard on the laser? Somebody must have done a study on how much it shortens the life on your optical drive. Cost of Lightscribe or printable discs versus plain discs? Cost of inkjet cartridges? Cost of printer capable of printing on discs or optical drive capable of Lightscribe?
I'm really interested in members' thoughts on this subject. I'm considering both because I'm buying a new printer. My method is to use a Sharpie to label the disc. I really don't care how "fancy" it looks. Then I go here for my cover art:
I crop or edit the .jpegs to fit the cases I prefer: TDK Slim Clear CD Cases: usually way under $15.00 for 50 and they actually stay closed when you want them to. A couple small pieces of clear tape to hold the printed paper cover in place and I have one beautiful finished backup. The paper label showing through the clear plastic cover looks like a photograph. The whole procedure only takes a few minutes once you have it down pat. But I'm open to improvement. Enlighten me fellow members.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. October 2008 @ 08:46

24. October 2008 @ 17:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well yes lightscribe is cheaper cuz u dont need to buy ink and well not sure on life expectancy on the disc themselves but i know they work great so far and the dvd's cost about $16.00 to $18.00 Canadian for like 20 pack memorex so u save there on the printer and ink aswell and hey i do the same with the clear slim cases lol but yeah that the way to go and they look professional too---are the slim case site prices canadian?? and for all lightscribe users try

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24. October 2008 @ 19:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"well yes lightscribe is cheaper..." - bpanther

Hold on there partner. More professional or even more beautiful than my Sharpie labeled discs, I agree hands down, lights out, one hundred per cent. Way, way, nicer than Sharpied discs. But cheaper? Not even close.
I usually buy Verbatim 16x plain 100 pack when on sale for about $30.00 on average. Per disc: 30 cents.
The TDK Slim Clear Cases on sale usually are a Fifty Pack: $15.00 on average. Per case: 30 cents.
Go to CD Covers website, find exact cover match and print a five inch square paper cover in color: cost 5 to 10 cents (call it 8 cents average) per cover.

That would come to a grand total of $.68 per finished backup. And my backups look just as nice on my shelf as the ones on the store shelf (sometimes better). Don't get me wrong. I think Lightscribe is really cool, and I have a Lightscribe burner, and I have tried it. To each their own, I like my way better.

Whew! I gotta go lay down after that speech. HeHe.
25. October 2008 @ 09:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
kool ya i guess your right just thought the sribe disc would be cheaper in the long run cuz u dont have to buy ink all the time and the printer and the just u have to buy cases and dvds and paper if that unless u have a sourcew like me i get my paper free from work lol but ya each to there own---by the way what do u think of the website from rhino??

Senior Member
25. October 2008 @ 10:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just visited the rhino site and must admit it truly is "cooler than ol' Billy Hell". I can see why you like it so much.
My paper is free also. I live in a paper mill town with two more mills in the neighboring town within shouting distance. Writing paper, wax paper, wrapping paper, tissue, toilet paper, napkins, paper towel, and heavy brown shipping paper. I have a zillion friends.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. October 2008 @ 10:20

AfterDawn Addict
25. October 2008 @ 12:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bpanther:
the light scribe website is back up and going remeber rhinoscribe check it out

Thanks, those templates are definitely cool. The choices are somewhat limited right now, so I may have to redo one Ive already done just to check it out. ;)

Thanks again for the heads up.


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25. October 2008 @ 22:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if its not on the site type it in the search on the page if that nhelps

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