VirtualDub doesnt show the avi file or shows only first ftame
22. September 2008 @ 19:48 |
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Recently, whenever I am trying to open in VirtuaalDub an Avi file, VirtualDub not only doesn't play the file, it even doesn't show it.
Notwithstanding - since I could cause the file to be played, by mooving the scale at the bottom of VirtualDub - I thought I can still use VirtualDub for "embedding" subtitles into the avi file. So I entered the Video menu, selected "Filters" and did whatever I used to do for embedding subtitles into the avi, then - after compressing the video - I selected "Save as Avi"; however, nothing happened. Luckily, I still have on my hardisk the originals of some avi files into which I embedded in the past subtitles with VirtualDub; so I tried to do it again (meaning : to embed into them subtitles with VirtualDub) however,this time VirtualDub didn't play them and didn't enable to embed subtitles.
Very frustrating. Can somebody there to think of something that causes VirtualDub "to change it's behavior" like that ? (My version of VirtualDub is .5 (before it was 1/.7.7).
Another problem with VirtuaDub: When tried opening some files ssage :"Could.nt locate decompressor for format FMP4 (unknown). VirtualDub requires a video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress Video-Direct Show codecs such as those used by Windows Media Player are not suitable." Would somebody know what specific codec should I install to solve that problem and where coul;d I download from such codec (I would prefer adding specific codec and not packages to avoid conflicts with codecs I already have).
Thanks in advanced
AfterDawn Addict
22. September 2008 @ 21:10 |
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The latest VirtualDub is 1.8.6, released yesterday, maybe try that on the file.
FMP4 you could probably just change it to 'XviD' with the 4cc changer program - or if FFDSHOW is installed, choose the VFW configuration from the start menu and set 'Other MPEG4' to xvid or libavcodec
23. September 2008 @ 10:22 |
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Hi attar,
Many thanks for your (as always) instant response.
As to the file VirtualDub rejected, you were right; and I fixed it with the 4cc: meaning now VirtualDub doesn't reject it, however, like with all other avi files, VirtualDub doesn't play it unless I moove the scale on the bottom.
I am unable to try it with the VirtualDub newset version (1.8.6), because when I was looking for that version in Google, the only web site which appeared there is in Chineese or similar language.
Any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance
AfterDawn Addict
23. September 2008 @ 13:15 |
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24. September 2008 @ 10:07 |
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Hi attar,
Following my questions on the subject, namely that VirtualDub doesn't play the opened video, today I have made the following experiment
: I have installed on the PC of one of my friends VirtualDub of the same version as the one installed in my PC, namely 1.8.6, and placed the said VirtualDub in my friend's "Program Files" (in my PC too VirtualDub is placed in "Program Files - just a matter of convenience).
Next,on my friend's PC, I started the VirtualDub, went to the File menu and opened a certain Video. Like on my PC, VirtualDub didn't show the movie, just two black windows. Next I went to the "Video" menu > "Filters" and - after choosing TextSub23, adding the relevant subtitles, returning to the "Video" menu, and selecting the Divx video codec - I went to the File menu > Save as Avi. At this stage VirtualDub started to "behave" normally, i.e. there appeared the small window showing the process of adding the subtiles and on the two black windows we saw the movie (on the right side with the added subtitles). Indeed, at the end of said process the subtiles were permanently adde to the movie.
Now, since before all that, I, several times, did the same on my PC and it didn't help (meaning the subtitles were not added), I think : Perhaps I have on my PC some other program, or a dll or other item which conflicts with VirtualDub. Could You think of something like that ?
Thanks in advance
AfterDawn Addict
24. September 2008 @ 11:23 |
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AfterDawn Addict
26. September 2008 @ 12:51 |
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27. September 2008 @ 16:36 |
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Hi attar,
I just wanted to thank you again for giving me the link to the the VirtualDub forum.
phaeron solved my problem of being unable to add subtitles with VirtualDub by reminding me,that when I select Save as Avi i should see to it the in the "Save AVI.." window "run this job." should be unchecked.
AfterDawn Addict
27. September 2008 @ 17:21 |
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