Hi, and thanks in advance for any help/useful info.
Basically, I've taken to collecting games, so I'm not really asking about how to play games for free, I just want to be able to play the games I own flawlessly. But.. with the recent purchase of the EU version of Vib Ribbon I've been thrown for a loop, and need some serious expertise.
Vib Ribbon is a ps1 title. I've been playing my ps1 imports on a psone with "PS1 Change 2" boot disc. Everything has worked fine until now... I think because you have to tape down the eject mechanism on the psone, the game won't fully load. To explain further -- Vib Ribbon is one of those games where you can take the game disc out & swap it with one of your music cd's. In my case, if I take Vib out of the psone, or choose to play without swapping the disc, the game disc doesn't continue loading and then stops spinning altogether.
This has led me down the path of finding a better way of playing imports, and right now I'm thinking it makes more sense to mod my ps2. (Rather than mod the ps1...)The thing is -- there's so many opinions on the web about what chip is best or what loader works -- that I can't decide.
Swpa Magic seems like it might work best -- but the "tools" seem a little confusing and troubling. I like the ease of just popping a game in and it plays -- that means a mod chip. But some of these chips have like 20 wires -- I don't know if I trust myself with all that soldering!
So, please, help a girl gamer out. I really need some sound advice. To chip or not to chip, and which chip is best/easiest...?
For your situation, I would suggest a chip. For your needs, I suggest using the Duo 3 Ultra. Fairly cheap in price and very stable. PM me for more info.