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Fairuse and copyright and blah blah blah
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AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
30. September 2008 @ 05:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user

Its not that long a few posts in 2 pages read it or skim it you will get the jist of it.

Lets just say I fail at trying, my point is that without solid,strong and detailed fair use rights you can not move the process forward to assist CP owners in dealing with IP infringement and crime by having vague and un cleaer fair use rights we are screwed because CP conglomerates rather than CP owners will force us to not use our free speech rights because they can bully us in court.

Without solid fair sue rights changing the business model wont do shit to protect the consumer from abuse from above and allows the industry itself to remain sloppy.

I really do like my 10/10/50/10 rule

?criticism or parody it is not enough to protect the populace from the overly eager to sue corporation a 10/10/50/10 rule needs to be in place 10% of the episode and or 10% of the totality of the series or film at no more than 50% of the total totality at no more than 10 minutes a ?clip? as long as it falls under 2 of these 3 things(the 10minete being the 2nd one) its considered a clip and falls under fair use. Any user to any website is entitled to 10/10/50/10?=Zippydsmlee a instance of a hard rule for fair use clips
This protects the populace from abuse from above and focuses CP nazis on more less vague issues.

Another problem with the current FU/CP setup the right to talk about infermatin in a public setting is hampered because clips and pictures ca not be used thus why you need to the hard rule for clips.

IMO in the modern age you ca not not talk about things without posting a portion of I works.

The vagueness is the problem because its being used as a excuse to bully the populace, once we have a solid modern fair use setup you can start making downloading a more criminal offense(and limit the hell out of its fines and such)or just seek to revamp how IP infringement is handled all together but without proper fair use.

These are the main 5 issues of FU/CP I can think of, everythign comes from these 5.

1. Software you bought you may copy and crack to run for your own personal use but not unlock features above the level you paid for, this supersedes all end user agreements and contracts but server access .
2. Media you bought you may copy and crack to run for your own personal use, this supersedes all end user agreements and contracts but server access.
3.Fair use distribution needs to be worked into fair use and CP IE the right of the populace to show portions of IP works without fear of being sued.
4.Clips and works used for criticism(ranting,raving ect) need a harder definition, there is no but here without a harder definition it allows the CP owners to bully the populace.
5.Hardware you bought can be cracked/moded to run for your own personal use, this supersedes all end user agreements and contracts but server access.

I am tried and rant away people! :p

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
Suspended permanently
5. October 2008 @ 03:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
One comment...

1. Software you bought you may copy and crack to run for your own personal use but not unlock features above the level you paid for, this supersedes all end user agreements and contracts but server access .
should really read
"you may copy and crack to run at any level you chose by your own skill as long as you do not share the actual cracking information with any third party for financial gain."

In particular this should apply to hardware drivers.

remember the creative labs vista drivers fiasco?

Also there needs to be reform of the current stupid "patent everything in the US patent office because they will allow anything to be patented" nonsense.

I should try to get a patent for using a biological optical device for viewing things... then you will all owe me money every time you look at something.. And patent the concept of addons either touching or fitted behind or in front of the device to either improve or diminish the focal length, clarity, brightness or any other parameters which may be related to the use...

Damn.. that sounds just like some of the software patents M$ holds.. for things like drop down menus... regardless of the fact that they already existed.
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
5. October 2008 @ 11:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by varnull:
One comment...

1. Software you bought you may copy and crack to run for your own personal use but not unlock features above the level you paid for, this supersedes all end user agreements and contracts but server access .
should really read
"you may copy and crack to run at any level you chose by your own skill as long as you do not share the actual cracking information with any third party for financial gain."

In particular this should apply to hardware drivers.

remember the creative labs vista drivers fiasco?

Also there needs to be reform of the current stupid "patent everything in the US patent office because they will allow anything to be patented" nonsense.

I should try to get a patent for using a biological optical device for viewing things... then you will all owe me money every time you look at something.. And patent the concept of addons either touching or fitted behind or in front of the device to either improve or diminish the focal length, clarity, brightness or any other parameters which may be related to the use...

Damn.. that sounds just like some of the software patents M$ holds.. for things like drop down menus... regardless of the fact that they already existed.


No that dose not really protect the majority of users as they would have to spend many years learning to code.

Either you vaguely limit cracks to the software level you bought or do not limit them at all, the again we do not need it vague as they will try and sue anything into the ground with it.LOL

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them. > forums > general discussion > safety valve > fairuse and copyright and blah blah blah

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