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How to retrieve contacs from iphone
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Junior Member
1. October 2008 @ 22:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello. I have a friends iphone that he dropped and the glass is broken, but the phone still works. He purchased a new phone, but not another iphone. He had not saved any of his contacts from his iphone. now he wants to try and gets those contacts off. I connected the iphone to my computer, not a mac, I have a PC. I went into itunes and it noticed the iphone and asked me to download the newest software. Then it went through its process and now it says it needs a sim card. So I put my sim card in and it wants me to add the phone to my account. I don't want to do this, I just want to get teh contacts off of it for him. When I first turned the phone on I could see the contacts, but after I connect to Itunes it is only able to be used for emergencies. I am lost. Any info would be helpful. Also, my friend doesn't have any info on his computer leftover b/c his computer crashed. So is he out of luck? and did I screw up by connecting it to itunes?
Junior Member

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4. October 2008 @ 02:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm sure someone else will come up with a better solution but asking at the store he bought it at (if he did) might help. I use a mac and whenever i sync mine it saves the contacts in Address book, does Windows do the same but with Outlook?

Or you could wait for someone who haz some sort of hakz.

16Gb iPod Touch 2G Jailbroken
12" Apple Powerbook G4

3. December 2008 @ 06:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
may be this thread can help you to backup your friend's contacts to itunes:
As for the music, you can usethis. > forums > mobile devices > iphone - general discussion > how to retrieve contacs from iphone

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