using a mod chip?
4. October 2008 @ 23:02 |
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okay so i plan to buy the xeno GC modchip due to its amazing price. i was just wondering, being the n00b that i am. how would i go around copying a disc i have to a mini dvd? i assume the mod chip makes these self boot correct? and the reason i wish to start this is because i like keeping my original game discs in pristine condition >.< so any help and or links will be greatly appreciated.
Senior Member
5. October 2008 @ 02:25 |
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you need to ether use a USB cable( don't know if it attaches to the console or the chip) or a Broad Band adapter to rip the discs.
I back up my games using a softmod.
Action replay for gamecube + SDcard adapter(sd gekko)+ Broad Band Adapter. You can burn your backups to there a mini dvdr or a full size dvdr(requires a case mod)(google: gamecube full size dvdr case). I wouldn't use a full size dvdr though since the gamecube's drive motor isn't made to spin a full size disc and may break the motor.
Playstation 2-Free McBoot,HDloader 8.0c,Open PS2 Loader 0.7,80gb Maxtor HDD,SMS Media Player,PGen,SNES Station- Installed
GameCube-SDload,SD Card Adapter,BBA Adapter,2 Color Case,GnuboyGX,MPlayer- Installed
5. October 2008 @ 08:03 |
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can you briefly explain the softmod process you use?
im curious of it and may use it instead of buying a mod chip
Senior Member
5. October 2008 @ 19:54 |
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In order to softmod a gamecube, you must
(1) Buy an Action Replay for the Gamecube, SD card adapter(fits in to the first memory card slot(slot A), an SD card(up to 1gb), and optional Gamecube Broad Band adapter(for ripping the games).
(2) Once you have all these you must enter in a special code in to the Action Replay(programs the Action Replay to read the SD Card)
(3) Format the SD Card to a certain format, then put some special files that you download(Google Gamecube softmod for the code, how to format the card, and where to get the files).
(4)Download GCOS( used for booting the games)
it sounds like allot, but it is really easy to do.
Playstation 2-Free McBoot,HDloader 8.0c,Open PS2 Loader 0.7,80gb Maxtor HDD,SMS Media Player,PGen,SNES Station- Installed
GameCube-SDload,SD Card Adapter,BBA Adapter,2 Color Case,GnuboyGX,MPlayer- Installed
5. October 2008 @ 20:28 |
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psht that doesnt sound like much at all, sounds alot better than cracking open my gamecube and ruining the factory state of it. thanks i think i will use the "soft mod" method instead
Senior Member
6. October 2008 @ 00:29 |
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no problem^_^ I prefer to use softmods instead of modchips since if anything happens, you can just take the card out and everything is back to normal.
Playstation 2-Free McBoot,HDloader 8.0c,Open PS2 Loader 0.7,80gb Maxtor HDD,SMS Media Player,PGen,SNES Station- Installed
GameCube-SDload,SD Card Adapter,BBA Adapter,2 Color Case,GnuboyGX,MPlayer- Installed