I recently upgraded to the latest version from and have been noticing that with the newest version when I choose customize, there is no option to preserve the menu (the old version has it). Did the company decide to get rid of the option? Also, how is the beta version? Is it worth upgrading?
TBH, I have yet to use the customize feature. But I looked in to it a little for you. After you add the files and click Next, the second box down asks if you want to remove the menus and play titles continuously. I would take that to mean that unless you check the box then the menus are kept by default. As for the beta versions, I always upgrade. But it is usually not necessary if you would rather wait for the stable ver. to release.
Originally posted by ferguj1: TBH, I have yet to use the customize feature. But I looked in to it a little for you. After you add the files and click Next, the second box down asks if you want to remove the menus and play titles continuously. I would take that to mean that unless you check the box then the menus are kept by default. As for the beta versions, I always upgrade. But it is usually not necessary if you would rather wait for the stable ver. to release.
Originally posted by ferguj1: TBH, I have yet to use the customize feature. But I looked in to it a little for you. After you add the files and click Next, the second box down asks if you want to remove the menus and play titles continuously. I would take that to mean that unless you check the box then the menus are kept by default. As for the beta versions, I always upgrade. But it is usually not necessary if you would rather wait for the stable ver. to release.
Or does that mean it will play in a loop?
I would take it to mean that the titles simple play back to back, the loop part I don't know about. But what is important is that if you don't check the box then it retains the menus......... I think. :)
I found this in the "official" tutorial on the software homepage:
"The middle area ("Removing") allows the user to prevent copying the DTS audio track if one exists. This will reduce the size of the backup files and result in slightly less compression. (The DTS track can also be removed by unchecking it on the first screen.) This area also contains the "Remove Menus" box (default: UNchecked) which will delete the DVD menus and enable the "Title Playback Order" button, which will allow user control of the playback order of the titles on the DVD. Removing menus will also reduce the size of the backup, requiring less compression when backing up a large movie to a DVD-5 disc. The "Rewind When Done Playing" checkbox will be active when menus are removed and will play the selected titles in a continuous loop when checked (default is UNchecked)"
Thanks! I wasn't aware that you need to click "next" to see the option; old version simply listed the preserve menu by default on the main customize screen.
To all: do you keep both dolby and DTS if the compression rate is above 70%?
Originally posted by maizeblue: Thanks! I wasn't aware that you need to click "next" to see the option; old version simply listed the preserve menu by default on the main customize screen.
To all: do you keep both dolby and DTS if the compression rate is above 70%?
Your call, although I don't remember ever having one with DTS and compression rating at 70%, usually a lot higher compression. I always remove the DTS.