We have a PanasonicDVD Theater Sound System that we use to watch our DVD movies on but suddenly it just stopped playing the video of DVD's. It still plays the sound but the video went out. Does anyone have any idea what would have caused that and if there is an easy fix for the problem. It also plays CD's, of course, and up to 5 discs can be inserted. I don't know what other information might be needed but I will supply whatever information is needed if I can.
Please let me know what the problem could be and if it's fixable. I appreciate any help I can get. I'm a 65 year old female who is not very electronically inclined so I wouldn't even have any idea where to start.
Is this a home theater in a box (HTIB) system? If so, you may be out of luck, since all wiring is internal (no video cable to plug in and unplug). If it has a separate dvd player, from the A/V receiver, make sure your video cable is connected well on both ends. If it is, try another cable.
Sorry........ I don't know what else to tell you.
Good luck!
Originally posted by JVC: Is this a home theater in a box (HTIB) system? If so, you may be out of luck, since all wiring is internal (no video cable to plug in and unplug). If it has a separate dvd player, from the A/V receiver, make sure your video cable is connected well on both ends. If it is, try another cable.
Sorry........ I don't know what else to tell you.
Good luck!
I am so sorry. I thought I had put the model number. It's a SC-HT75 and it is a few years old. We bought it in April of 2003. I know you're thinking it's so old and it's electronic so I should just get rid of it and get a new one. No way since we're on a fixed income but the cost of our living expenses aren't fixed.
About the cable, my husband did unplug the cable from this unit and plugged it back in which didn't help at all.
If you can help I'd appreciate it but if you can't I thank you for your attempt and time.
"my husband did unplug the cable from this unit and plugged it back in which didn't help at all."
Power cable? Video cable? What type DVD's? Purchased? Copied? All DVD's or just some? Do you still have the insruction manual? Sometimes there's a reset code buried in those mauals someplace.
It's all DVDs. Panasonic did send me the instructions to reset it so we're going to try that. We didn't see that in the manual and didn't even know there was a way to reset it. It took them a while to respond to my email requesting help but at least they finally did.
Thanks for all of the help I was able to get here.