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4. September 2002 @ 17:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To dRD and HomerJ. I am sorry if I caused
you guys any problems. It sounds like every thing is okay, but.... sorry. Thank you all for trying to help me with all your information and time.
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4. September 2002 @ 23:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Elayne,

does it work now?

I followed the story and now I wanna know how it ends...
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4. September 2002 @ 23:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Elayne,

does it work now?

If not, try it like this:
1) after playing the movie a few secs, close the software-dvd-player and open smartripper. Ignore the warning 'no aspi...'.
2) on the left side smartripper shows three boxes; press the third (backup) to rip the complete files. Go to settings, set demacrovision and press ok. On the bottom of smartripper main window press the folder-sign (target) and set the destination directory.
After this the box 'start' appears; press it.
3) After ripping is done, look with the windows explorer in the created folder 'video-ts'; let you show the details. The main movie is in the VTS-files, which are 1.048,...MB large. Usually they are numbered VTS_01_1. up to VTS_01_5 or so. Close the explorer.
4) Create a new folder 'VIDEO_TS'.
5) Start ifoedit, open the IFO-file, in which the main movie is, e.g. VTS_01_0.IFO. In the appaering description you see the line PGC_1. Notice the VOB-ID's, which appear on the right side of this line, e.g. 1,2.
Press VOB Extras ; in the appearing window set all options on the left side to yes, EXCEPT re-mux and split. Set the desination directory you created before and press ok. The stream list appears. Choose the language and then press strip it. A new window appears in which you have to set the VOB-ID's that you noticed before. Then press strip it.
6) After this, close ifoedit and start it again. Now open the new folder, open 'VIDEO_TS.IFO' and press 'Get VTS-Sectors'. Press ok at the appearing messages. Then open VIDEI_TS_01_0.IFO and press 'Get VTS-Sectors'. Press ok to the appearing message.
7) Now press DVD Play and if everything is alright, ifoedit plays the 'reduced' movie without appearing warnings.
8) If the new folder is smaller than 4,35 GB, you can burn it.
9) larger than 4,35? --> other story
no idea, how to burn? --> another story
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5. September 2002 @ 01:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Elayne: Nono, no probs at all. As you must have already read, I totally understand when people refer guys to visit other sites, etc. We don't really have the same amount of data that some other sites have (we just hope that by having 'fun' site and easy-2-follow guides, we can make some difference :-).

Just tell us, if you finally succeeded :-) I've followed your struggle through DVD-R stuff from the sidelines for last couple of months, so I'm kinda curious :-)

Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)
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5. September 2002 @ 03:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First steps are long and hard, but sometimes, easy-to-follow-guides are cannot-be-followed-guides.
Sorry for the wasted resources :)
5. September 2002 @ 03:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you,
I hope this new way works. Child birth was easiser. I think that I've read too too much where I've gotten everything mixed up. Thanks again. That really doesn't sound like much considering all the time and help everyone has given to me.
5. September 2002 @ 12:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Elayne,

Still not quite there yet ? Keep trying....

5. September 2002 @ 16:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
WELL!!! I think I finally got it. There were a few error messages at first, I kept trying and
'ifoedit' finally decided to work with me. Several times it said that the video vts and ifo files didn't exist. On the fourth try, a box popped up and said 'changing VOB navigation packs, then it said finished correcting VOBU pointers.The movie file is 3.59gb. I thought that this would take forever from what is said in the forum. All four tries total less than 45 minutes. When I pressed DVDplay, I got a warning that said 'no valid DVD video volume could be locate. I played it anyway and there was sound.
I let the movie play for 5 minutes, where as before, if it played at all, it was about 25 seconds and then stopped. Now, the proof will be in the pudding when I burn this. I will be using Record Now Max. Any suggestions? I love you guys. Thank you so much. If I get another one ripped and it plays on my dvd player, I guess I owe you another $20 donation.
6. September 2002 @ 14:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I finally got a dvd! This morning I decided to burn the ripped dvd with Record Now Max. It burned in 14 minutes and played back on the computer. On my way to work, I stopped at the store and it played on a Panasonic dvd player. Finally! Thank you all so much. I hope the next one works out okay.
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6. September 2002 @ 16:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Elayne: Iäm happy to hear you finally succeeded!-) Tell us if your 2nd one works out as well. Congrats :-)

Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)
6. September 2002 @ 23:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Congratulations Elayne,

It's always good to see perseverance and determination win at the end of the day.

7. September 2002 @ 14:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HomerJ, You mean at the end of 2 months. I am not sure what dvd to do next. Try the Disney movies or the Star Trek series or what. I will have to get rid of some of the stuff, like credits (opening and closing). I don't think that I should use 'movie' when I do this.Another challenge. I did try to get back to you from doom9, but headaches there also. Glad to hear from you.
8. September 2002 @ 00:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Elayne,

Sorry you had problems at doom9, never mind.

As for Disney, I have just started on my first one, Monsters Inc.

I did the main movie with no problems, but one of the extras "The Birds" (it brings tears to me eyes the more i watch it) is causing me major problems, and it's only 3 mins long. I spent most of yesterday evening trying to rip, without success.

Now it's my turn to "keep trying".

HomerJ > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r for newbies > sorry

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