K...i never really ponder about that question till now... Does being bricked mean that it's stuck? like I can't do anything about it apart from using Pandora Battery?
Anyways here's what happened: I was returning the memory stick to my friends buy before i did that...I wiped out the memory stick clean and that dumb mistake caused a lil problem. I deleted my flash 1 and 0 folder, thinkin it's part of the memory stick.... i didn't really think it would cause a trouble after i deleted them...didn't know what it was...but i'm guessing its for the firmware's files that is uses to operate? Any ideas what i should do now?
SO................i'm basically stuck in place with psp. And my only way out is Pandora battery. Hey what about the 'Universal Unbricker'? The name make it sounds like it could help me.
Oh and thanx for telling me about the editing the posts and the cso.
you need to buy a new psp if you deleted all of flash0
pandora wont work. i deleted my flash0 before, couldnt fix it sold it for £30 and bought anew one for £30 with 2 games and then i hacked and modded it.
Originally posted by shinta8: Are you serious? That's fatal...Is that really true?
No. Unless you have TA-088 v3 (came with 4.05 and up firmware) motherboard, pandora will be useless.
However, you acessed the flash 1 and 0. That can only acessed through a custom firmware. So, you did have cfw before making it not a TA-088 mobo.
PANDORA CAN FIX PSP EVEN YOU DELETED THE FLASH0. if you want more proof, go to another psp hacking (not called mod) forum site and ask them. Pandora runs on IPL that is installed on the battery and the magic memory stick.
I kinda have the same problem..heh...I deleted my flash0, trying to put on themes...yet I figured out how to use CXMB themes now with my friends psp....so if your flash0 files were all deleted, Pandora will still fix it?...how?