Cannot make a copy of Lost In Translation
14. February 2004 @ 03:15 |
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Please Help me make a copy of Lost In Translation.
Thank You
Senior Member
14. February 2004 @ 04:50 |
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what are you backing up with??? more info you give the more ppl can help
have you tried DVD Decrypter....then DVD2One?....I have yet to find a dvd this method fails to back up
::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....::DonT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::..
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15. February 2004 @ 19:42 |
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Senior Member
16. February 2004 @ 04:48 |
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just outta intrest what is lost in translation?
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14. March 2004 @ 02:47 |
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I also THOUGHT that I had backed up Lost in Translation, using decrypter > Shrink >Intervideo DVD Copy, but when I went to play it, it would play all tghe previews etc, then be unable to play the real movie. Obviously it was truely "lost in translation. Interestingly XCopy can do the job. It appears that LIT uses a mumbo jumbo of fancy menu branches, and a gazillion different vobs to fool the authoring program. Hence best shot is to just find and rip out the core movie itself, which is what venerable XCopy does. Obviously the evil empire has thrown down the gauntlet again ---
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14. March 2004 @ 08:43 |
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Just to follow up on what I said before - Copy JUST the movie: ie
rip an iso image with Decrypter
mount the iso image as a virtual drive
shrink using the newest version of shrink butdo it in reauthor mode - JUST the movie - no menues, no extra's , nothing else. The newest shrink will automatically make a nice new ifo file and put all the files you need for burning in a new folder
burn as usual - I use Intervideo.
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15. March 2004 @ 10:50 |
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Hi guys,
I copied Lost In Translation with Xcopy Platinum Express. However, it took 3 tries. The first 2 burns got stuck on bad sectors. The third try was a charm.
28. March 2004 @ 09:49 |
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Hi all,
Thought I'd add my experience with this disc under Linux.
On most DVDs, the main movie is title 1; so you can play it straight with MPlayer via "mplayer dvd://1". When I tried that with LiT, I got a garbled version of the FBI warning screen, then nothing. At first, because of the garbling, I thought the disc was corrupted; I took it out and cleaned it, didn't see any obvious scratches, put it back, and it was the same.
So then I tried Xine. Although it always pops up a warning that acquiring the CSS keys may take a long time, until now, it had actually been instantaneous. But with this disc, it seemed to hang. I aborted it a couple of times, then left it running for a while, and came back to find it at the menu. Looking in the console, I saw that two of the VOBs had come up with errors acquiring the keys -- and another had worked, but taken fully two-and-a-half minutes to complete. When I then played the movie, I again got the garbled FBI screen, previews, and then a garbled Universal logo, then the movie, which played with no apparent errors.
Going back to MPlayer, I went through the titles one by one, and found that the movie was title 16. Now, the funny thing about that is, if you mount the DVD and do a listing, you can see that VTS_16_x.VOB isn't the main movie, because there's not enough data there. So apparently the titles don't correspond to the VTS sequences as they normally do. By now, it was clear that the DVD was deliberately authored in a broken way, in an attempt to prevent copying.
I took it over to my Windows machine, as well as my standalone player, to see what "authorized" players would do. The standalone, WinDVD, PowerDVD and (for good measure) Windows Media Player all played it with no apparent errors on the FBI and Universal clips, which surprised me a little. How did they make those clips break on the "unauthorized" players? And if they had that technique, why not apply it to the main movie as well? Perhaps those clips, being standard and reused on many movies, were carefully encoded to break certain codecs, but they couldn't afford that process with each feature? Or maybe the disc really was corrupt -- I got that result on different hardware, after all.
The other thing I discovered, playing this on authorized players, is that not only was the FBI screen flagged "no skip", but so were the previews. However, the previews could be fast-forwarded. I can't tell you how much this "feature" pisses me off. (And I'd like to get firmware for my DVD player to turn "no skip" into "auto-skip"; but that's for another thread.) Presumably, by allowing fast-forward, they can claim that they aren't taking away any of the functionality you'd get with a VHS tape. :-P
So this was a disc that was begging to be copied. It wasn't hard, once I got it playing in MPlayer; I just used the "-dumpvideo" and "-dumpaudio" options on title 16, and remuxed the results. When I did, I found that the resulting file was just barely too large to fit on a DVD+R. I wondered if this were a final joke by the authors; but I doubt they really contemplated this particular method of ripping. Anyway, I used requant to shrink it by 1%, and burned it.
Sorry for rambling. :-) I hope this is of some interest. I suppose we can expect to see more of this kind of thing in the future.
28. March 2004 @ 11:05 |
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wmcbrine, good work!
Your explanation almost makes me want to go out and buy Lost in Translation just so I can try making a back-up!
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5. April 2004 @ 04:42 |
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Some good stuff there. By the way, anyone ever had trouble copying the movie CRASH? First one I've ever had trouble with. The message 'encrypted data' keeps popping up while doing the read.
2 questions:
-Does anyone know if copy protection gets transfered to the backup copy using Xcopy Platinum?
- Can I copy to my hard drive rather than another DVD in order to pull pieces out different movies and then burn them onto 1 DVD for a project?
20. April 2004 @ 12:16 |
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I cannot copy the movie either. I'm getting an I/O error. Copyright Protection something something. I'm using DVD Shrink.