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Problem with reading TDK 16x DVD+R
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30. October 2008 @ 14:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi guys, I need some input to see if anyone can rescue my burned data.

My situation is that, I have a bunch of burned TDK 16x DVD+R (TDK 003) with printable surface. I burned these DVDs a few months ago and was playing them happily on several of my PCs. Just around two months ago, I just can't read these discs anymore. And that happened all in a sudden. I first thought it was some kind of XP updates, but apparently I tested these discs on other older PCs wihtout any success. Evetually I could read some of the discs with my office PC, but most of them don't.

The interesting thing is, I can load these discs, see the directory but I just cannot read the files. Then I tested some disc with my holiday photos in my home theater DVD-player, and they all showed up fine! I am just wondering whether it is the problem of the burn media, bad burns or someother factors? I have a pack of similar TDK DVD-R discs and they are still going strong over a year now, so I really don't understand what is going on.

Please help!

Just some quick facts

NEC Lavie laptop with WinXP pro SP3
Burn software = Nero 7
Burner = Matshita UJ-842S
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30. October 2008 @ 18:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Not surprised.. worst disks I have ever seen.. "D" grade media which goes blank after a time.
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30. October 2008 @ 18:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Let's face facts..TDK's don't enjoy a good rep here at AD. It's my opinion however that the discs should be ok, and only ok if handled carefully..IE: burn data slowly etc.
It just could be and most likely is, that you have a bad batch of media. No surprises there I guess.
If for arguments sake you burn that media in a consistent manner, and it's only a few select discs (same batch) that turn out stuffed, it's again my opinion, but your burn software is not to blame. Please note the phrase consistent.

Why the discs were readable previous and not now, considering the time frame, is either bad storage (could be possible?) or a change within your system(s). High humidity, heat and certain electro fields (magnets, cell phones) could make all the difference.

Back in the old days, did you ever put your VHS tapes on top of the speaker stack? lol.. They never were the same after. :P
30. October 2008 @ 19:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I know that TDK discs suck. But I don't see the logic. If the quality of the discs start to deteriorate, I expect them to go down one by one or even track by track. Now that they 'expired' all at once, I am still very suspicious. And another thing is, I can play every single photo on some of the DVDs in my Sony DVD player seems to be a bit odd to say they the data are gone.

I think I only burn these discs at 8x speed only, not much to ask for for a 16x rated disc I guess. It is really a very frustrating experience as I lost some 50GB worth of files in there.
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30. October 2008 @ 19:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Odds are that when you run them thru a DVD identifying program like DVDInfo or the such they will code out as CMC-MAG disks, these are famous for doing just what you describe. I recommend backing up the ones that still can be read and transferring them to better media. Your best bet would be to try the same burner you burnt them on originally.

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30. October 2008 @ 20:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you everyone for trashing the disks I have had the most success with. I have the disks I burned movies on over 3 years ago still playing great.

I push the aD's favorite Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim, but my heart belongs with my TDK's!!

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30. October 2008 @ 20:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by rtm27:
Thank you everyone for trashing the disks I have had the most success with. I have the disks I burned movies on over 3 years ago still playing great.

I push the aD's favorite Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim, but my heart belongs with my TDK's!!
A piece of 4"x2" will do the trick Rt! Used strategically across the top of your bonce should do, no worries at all. lol "Let me explain" fawlty towers style comes to mind. Hehehehe.
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31. October 2008 @ 11:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If a DVD player with its limited focal range can read the discs, then the data are retrievable.
1) you can read the directory but not the files--that's because the directory is written at the beginning of the disc; the files lie throughout.
2) You have a Matshita drive. I have found these drives and Toshiba drives (both very common in OEM computers) to be very restricted in their abilities. You might seek out a drive with more flexibility in its parameters such as an NEC, Lite-On, Pioneer, or Plextor drive to read the discs and transfer data.
3) The discs have printable surfaces. Some of these surfaces have been known to shrink slightly after a long time curing, much as paper labels have shrunk and caused discs to suffer from tilt problems. Since this is a "known" problem, discs should no longer suffer from it since the 8X days. If the files that are most commonly illegible are toward the end of the discs, as they would be if filed in alphabetical order, that is an indication of a tilt problem. Transferring the data to different discs is the safe bet. (It may be possible to wash the coating off under luke warm water since the coatings are water soluble. Wait 24 hours and try them again just to get the data off them.)
4) Electro magnetic fields have no effect on DVD+/-R or CD-R discs. Neither silver no aluminum is magnetic.

I don't know what is causing the problem, but the symptoms you describe imply certain possible problems that you might resolve by taking the steps I described. It is also possible that the recordings are poor, but even that can be a function of incompatibility of drive/medium, a bad drive, a bad diode, software problem, bad discs, bad batch of discs, computer problem, and on and on and on. Automatically blaming discs on the basis of brand reminds me of determining who gets to go to heaven based on his or her religion. Both are far more complicated than that.
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31. October 2008 @ 14:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nobody bought TDK DVD+R 16x disks 3 years ago, they did not exist... BS ignored as somebody didn't read the actual disk specs for the problem..

Spool of 50 TDK DVD+R 16x (light blue and silver).. 28 failed to complete a burn.. of the 22 which did finish 9 would not pick up and play in either pc or standalone dvd player.. 11 out of 50.. 22% on my media score... worse than Maxell 16x the previous record holders @ (26%)

Burned with a brand new pioneer 116d @ 8x for video.

Don't anybody ever try telling me TDK are cheap disks.. because at that failure rate Verbs and TY's are 75% cheaper.

If you are standing in a shop looking at a bargain spool of TDK 16x's save yourself some trouble and heartache.. and possibly damage to your burners and mental health.. and if you just must buy them "because they are such a bargain".. do us all a favour and throw them in the first bin you come to on after leaving the store.
31. October 2008 @ 15:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It sounds quite grim for me than I guess!!

I had no problem with all the Sony and Imation discs, regardless of whether they are +R -R or RW.
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31. October 2008 @ 20:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Aye.. hope you don't have too many of the damn things..

Joe is right that there can be other things going on too.. but disks with the same cmc code don't cause the trouble tdk do.. so they must be the bottom of the heap.

Try a 10 spool of datawrite/datasafe 16x disks.. they will code the same... bet they don't cause as many problems :)
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3. November 2008 @ 14:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
16X DVD+R media became "available" in 2004. I have samples produced in May of that year that I received in early June. They probably reached retail stores by fall of that year, so that they would have been on the market now for four years. DVD-R 16X discs followed DVD+R by about six months.

I have no data for TDK discs with the TDK MID code, but TDK did suffer some consequences for having gotten out of the drive business in a hurry. Some of those consequences may have been lack of support from drive manufacturers who were left with unfulfilled promises; but that support would have been for TDK MID codes only. If TDK purchased from OEM suppliers--and CMC was one--their 16X DVD+R discs would have appeared in some markets by early 2005, almost four years ago.
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3. November 2008 @ 20:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
TDK 16x has some of te worst test results I've seen. Would never buy them myself!!
4. November 2008 @ 05:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just checked my pack of T'dead'K discs. They are made in UAE, insteresting, isn't it?! Too cold of them to work in the UK?
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4. November 2008 @ 08:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by colekwok:
Just checked my pack of T'dead'K discs. They are made in UAE, insteresting, isn't it?! Too cold of them to work in the UK?
So how well do they record & play back?
4. November 2008 @ 13:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They ran pretty well for the first siz months, then suddenly (Maybe when autumn comes?!) All of them were gone, I can't read them anymore, well kind of, you can till see the directories, but you just can't access the files. They burned pretty well and I must say I only burned them at 8x anyway.

My other pack of TDK DVD-R is fine, for the moment. I hope they won't go down as the +R did. > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > problem with reading tdk 16x dvd+r

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