Before I start, I wanna thank mrgooey, rickem, and everyone else who were involved with the guides in of my first posts. Thanks
Anyway, I just installed 5.00 M33-3 on a FAT PSP for one of my brother's friends PSP (didnt do it to mine yet since I'm using my PSP Battery and Memory stick to put the CFW in the PSP) and I just put it Popsloader as well. What's going on is that, Popsloader isn't even working at all. I remember that before I made my battery a Pandora/memory stick into a magic one, I was able to select a a variety of Popsloader versions, up to 3.72.
And yea, I did download the newest version of Popsloader.
Now it doesn't do that, it just goes straight to the game. Sometimes games will just stay at a black screen now.
What do I do?
Please keep in mind that I'm still figuring out the ropes with CFW and all that sorts of stuff.
well if you places popsloader.prx and the popsloader folder in SEPLUGINS and added ms0:/seplugins/popsloader.prx 1 to pops.txt then it should work fine if your useing the latest popsloader with all the prx files included like Download HERE and read this link