i'm trying to put a movies that is out of sync with virtual dub. when i add the file to virtualdub, i get a message saying that avi:viriable bitrate(vbr) audio detected. what do i do and what does this means. help please
The message is saying that files with VBR audio may cause problems - but you already knew that with this file.
You can save the audio as a .wav, reload it into VirtualDub and convert it to CBR - then try to fix the sync problem.
What is the nature of the problem and how were you going to correct it.
hey was looking through the forum and found out about avidemux, will that help me with my sync problem. is there a guide for virtualdub and avidemux. please help i'm trying to get pass this out of sync problem.the voice is either a second behind or a second ahead the actual picture. helppp
If you have (or download) 'VLC' player, you can run your video and check/adjust the sync using Ctrl-k or Ctrl-l The value will be flashed onto the screen so you can make a note (either positive or negative).
Drag the file onto Avidemux.
Check the 'Shift' box and enter the value that you get from'VLC'.
Click the 'Save' logo and give the file a new name (including extension e.g. myfile.avi).
thanks for the info, i downloaded vlc and when i try to check for the audio sync with ctrl-k or ctrl-l(like ctrl-k a number flashes but as i hold or keep pressing it the numbers goes up) i'm i doing something wrong.
i don't mean to bother you so much, but when i do the ctrl k a number popa up(audio deley 50ms).but if you hit ctrlk again the numbers goes up in 50's, what is the final number. and do i check at the begining or the end of the movie, and how do i change the value. please bare with me i'm kinda new.
Assuming the audio is late, you press Ctrl-k once and observe the sync.
Keep pressing until the audio/video are in sync.
An example would be if you think the audio is half a second late (500 milli-seconds) press Ctrl-k to get it up to 500, then adjust either way Ctrl-l or Ctrl-k until you are satisfied.
If your audio was leading the video, you use Ctrl-l to insert negative values - and transfer that negative value to Avidemux.
A 'normal' delay might be one second (1000 milli-seconds)anything more either way (leading or lagging) would indicate serious problems that no amount of tinkering will fix.