Right now I have lots of plugins, I place them correctly to my psp, but some of the new plugins i added didn't work. When i reformatted my psp and replaced the plugins, the others start malfunctioning and some of the malfunctioning ones starts to work.
Is there a maximum to how much plugins you can have? Whats going on?
E.g. Fastscroll.prx works for me at the beginning but when i formatted the psp and replaced it, i can't enable it at all in the recovery menu cause i don't even see it even my recovery menu plugins...
yes there is a maximum of around 5 or so per vsh, pops and game its better to find plugins like custom firmware extender that incorporate more plugins into a single prx that and switch them around for when your actually using them
just press the screen button to run it; it has music.prx, remotejoy.prx, screenshot.prx, usbhostcore.prx, bright.prx all built in and then it lets you load a prx plugin aswell.
to play music during games you have to press the R trigger while in custom firmware extender to get to music then click start music after you select your music directory, its actually better to modify the cfe.config with your default values ie: music directory, brightness and cpu speed and then you press the note button during xmb, psx or umd/iso games to play music