Hi everyone. I've had my PSP lying around uselessly for months now, with 3.90 m33. I remember not being able to play chrono cross because it froze after I recruited norris. Now, after probably a year, I want to play the game fully on my PSP.
I know this is also elsewhere, but I wanted to make two so that someone could possibly catch it easier.
I downloaded the game from online, both pre-made for the PSP and new (both in 2 parts). Because my memory card space wasn't enough to fit them both in at the same time, I decided to play disc 1 first. However, on 3.90 m33, that is impossible, as I found out. So, I researched for about 2 hours and after another 2 painstaking hours, installed popsloader 3.80, with 3.72 pops. When I hit R, after enabling popsloader, and set the firmware to 3.72, it just kept loading with a blackscreen (not bricked, but whenever I try to play chrono cross that happens).
I did rename all the prx files to 372 at the end. Any help :(? Thanks.
Also, I made sure that the ID of the chrono cross was correct SCUS.. Please I wanna play quickly