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Whats best Media for backing up dvds (Sony,Memorex,Maxwell)
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13. November 2008 @ 09:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I seem to be have some problems backing up my dvds never in the past using 1 click dvd copy 5 and dvd43. It burns and finishes says successful when I pop it back in the PC comes up and windows ask what would I like to do with the blank media(shouldnt be blank) then I try to use it again it says insert a writtable disk meaning its not blank...I burned a few worked fine went to burn again like 30 min later now it does this..I restarted it and all still the same even tried AoA dvd copy I got one to work with that but it took 30 min almost to burn one dvd I hate that burning software...I need a good fast burning software...I have had Sony DVD-R media,Memorex and Maxwell are thos good???? Maybe I need to put in a dvd cleaner disk to clean the burner on my PC...never had this to now....Burner is phillips internal its a 2005.
AfterDawn Addict

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13. November 2008 @ 11:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, lets start at the top.

using 1 click dvd copy 5 and dvd43.
Better programs are available. Dvd43 is junk. Plain and simple.

See this link for your best options!

I have had Sony DVD-R media,Memorex and Maxwell
Sony's are ok. I'd stay away from Memorex and Maxwell. Best blank media to use in order:
1. Taiyo Yuden (available at; not available to my knowledge at brick and mortars, at least not in the states.)
2. Verbatim (available online as well as some brick and mortars)
3. Sony (widely available at brick and mortars)

Burn at 6x or 8x max, with no multitasking.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. November 2008 @ 11:28

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13. November 2008 @ 23:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
7thsinger is spot on as usual. You can't go wrong listening to his advice.
14. November 2008 @ 08:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok I can get verbaitm at bestbuy....Never heard of the first one...Im in the States.
14. November 2008 @ 09:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks 7th been a big help its one those things you use something to it dont work well anymore dvd43 and 1 click dvd copy has worked for yrs with me until now for some reason 1 click dvd copy tech support wanted my temp file from there program to see if they can figure out where the problem is at Since I recently renewed with them...I downloaded dvdfab HD so with that I put in the dvd I want to backup open there program it will read it and also do the burn too or do I need something else to do the burn...1 click I was using put in original dvd read it eject put in black and it burn it and eject this work same.....One more question my dvd drive like from 2005 If I was to update it get a better dvd burner in would it copy a dvd faster in less time or is my dvd burner ok....Could that have anything to do with it playing a dvd but when I burn one it not showing nothing on the blank dvd after the burn could that be the burner needing replace or if it needed that it just wouldnt play a dvd either

thanks again
14. November 2008 @ 09:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok I just tried it out it would read and scan the original dvd it finished I was waiting for it to say insert a blank dvd or writtable media or eject it didnt so how do I burn it to the blank dvd media do I need to install another software to do that or does dvdfab HD suppose to do all of it..I saw a choice it said write with two dvd pictured to left of choices I clicked it and it said you only can do that in dvd fab platnium so it that what I need to install to burn it just let me know what all softwares I need to use....thanks I have dvd shrink too but mostly use that if I just wont parts off a dvd...
14. November 2008 @ 10:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok 7thslinger my other post dont worry about that one I was using HD so I use platium and it let me do dvd to dvd drive everything went well burn was successful until I went to put it back in to play windows come up and say what would you like to do with blank media telling me that the media doesnt have the dvd burn on it...What the heck!!!! is it my dvd burner itself??? I dont understand far as dvdfab i love it Just seems to be any program and any dvd it say its successful but when I put it in says its blank now when I put in original dvd pops up what you like windows to do it says play dvd burn dvd with dvdfab but when the black dvd goes in after it has been burned it says what you want to do with BLANK Media.....DO I need a new dvd burner to be put in PC
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
14. November 2008 @ 10:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Please, try using some basic punctuation. I had to read your post several times to try and make sense of it all.

dvd43 and 1 click dvd copy has worked for yrs with me until now
If you want my personal opinion, i'd uninstall both programs and run a good registry cleaner (Ccleaner) to make sure they're gone. Dvd43 can conflict with other programs.

dvdfab HD so with that I put in the dvd I want to backup open there program it will read it and also do the burn too or do I need something else to do the burn
The free version of DvdFab (HD Decrypter) will only rip the movie to your HDD. You'll need a couple of other programs from there. Or the pay version, DvdFab Platinum, which rips, transcodes, and uses VSO burn engine.

If using DvdFab Hd Decrypter:
Dvd Shrink will compress the DVD9 size file to fit on a single layer disc.

Imgburn will do the burning. Both programs are linked to in the thead i posted earlier.

One more question my dvd drive like from 2005 If I was to update it get a better dvd burner in would it copy a dvd faster in less time or is my dvd burner ok
Could that have anything to do with it playing a dvd but when I burn one it not showing nothing on the blank dvd after the burn could that be the burner needing replace or if it needed that it just wouldnt play a dvd either

Try burning with Imgburn, and if the same thing happens post the burn-log here so we can see what's going on.

15. November 2008 @ 07:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DvdFab Platinum lets me try it for 30 days free it lets me do the entire burn there I like it yet it still says my disk is blank media after the burn is completed....
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
15. November 2008 @ 20:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's not giving any error messages at all? Odd.
It could possibly be new burner time. Cleaning it first never hurts. > forums > digital video > video playback problems > whats best media for backing up dvds (sony,memorex,maxwell)

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