So, I have a Swap Magic 3.3 CD. My Swap Magic DVD broke a while ago, and I use CDLoader and a TOC disc (Devil May Cry) to load up my backup DVDs.
Is there a way I could use free mcboot to either eliminate the need for swapping altogether, or at least drop the need for swaps to a SINGLE disc (ie, using CD Loader, and using a DVD game as a TOC disc).
I don't want to have to reburn all of my backups, but I would like to cut down the number of swaps to play a game, or hopefully eliminate it altogether.
Go with FreeMCBoot. If you swap magicCD gets damaged then you wont be able to play any games but if you installed freemcboot while you can then at least you will still be able to play games you burn recently. I also used swap magic before but I installed freemc boot and its perfect for backups. I still use swap magic for my old backups that are not patched but any new backups I make I always patch them with freemc boot. Its much faster nd easier, just pop in the backup game and it boots, no swap or anything. You can also boot the patched games with swap magic so if you want to play the game on someone elses ps2 who does not have freemc boot, you can boot it up with a swap magic disc.