a. Unpack the drivers to a folder (exp. Desktop), but don't install it!
b. Install BitPim.
1. You must entering follow code: *#0523#
2. [9] common >> [6] USB Configuration >> [2] Qualcomm USB [*]
--> Qualcomm USB Configured.
Plz Reconnect the Cable.0
3. Now put the USB cable in the phone and Pc.
--> Windows found a new hardware.
Install the hardware manual and chose the Qualcommdriver folder.
Now go to the Hardware manger ->Modems->Qualcomm, you must know the port number.
4. Open "BitPim" and configure the software for your u700.
Phone type: Other CDMA phone
Com port: *look at step 5*(you can Browse, but chose the right one!)
And press "OK"
5. Start "BitPim", go to the menu "View" and active "View Filesystem".
6. Click on "Filesystem" (left in BitPim).
Now can you see a blue folder, open the folder (press on "+").
--> ? retrieving
7. Click on the '-' beside the USER file, then click on theme.
Now you will see a default folder and an install folder. Put whatever theme you created in the install folder and restart your phone.
i have got this through a search, i thought this might be important for samsung users.
however as explained, "create a new theme", i've not done this but just downloading a theme in the extension .thm
when i restart the phone, nothing happens....
any suggestion of the exact extension that i might use for this to work?????