Hi , Long Time Reader Of Your Forums . I Have A V1.6 With The Xapter, And I Can Get All The Prongs In But One . Its Filled With Something . And Here Is The Diagram I Used . http://www.kanection.co.uk/page.php?xPage=xapter-16-install.html . Its Letter E . How Can I Open The Hole Up ? Thank You So Very Much .
Wow that install looks like a PINTA. Anyway it's probably solder that's in the hole, you can try taking a small pin and pushing it down, but more than likely you'll need to use a solder sucker or pump to get it out of the hole. I know it's kinda rediculous since it's a solderless adaptor, but companys can't predict these things. If i were you i'd go to radioshack and buy a 15 watt soldering iron, and some small diameter tin/lead solder.
Take apart one of your old broken electronics and practice soldering the board. You can google for soldering tips. When you've practiced a bit and you're confident you can solder one point then tin the wire that's giving you issues. Line it up with the hole and heat it up and press it down in the hole. More than likely it will heat up the other solder in the hole and push it down further.
That's the easiest way i can think of right now. If you wanted to do it the right way you could buy a solder sucker and practice with that. I don't see a beginner doing this, as it involves adding solder to the hole then sucking it out with the pump.
Either way let me know how this works, i've seen people get around these things by heating up a pin and pushing it through a hole. This probably isn't the best option but it's still an option.
im very good with a soldering iron so thats no problem . i attempted to use desoldering braid and was unsuccessful . it seems to be the same substance as the motherboard . so should i continue with the needle idea ? or just go with the pinheader . thank you for your ideas i welcome to to hear your thoughts .